Paul Cropper (viola)
BBC Northern Orchestra
Conductor, Charles Groves
The interpretation of American thought and character since 1880
A talk by J. E. Morpurgo on Henry Steele Commager's book
Quintet in C, Op. 163 played by the Barylli String Quartet
Walter BaryiHi (violin)
WoLfgang Poduschka (violin)
Alfons Gruemberg (viola)
Wilhelm Winkler (cello)
William Pleeth (cello)
The Motion:
In the opinion of this House:
'The question's very much too wide, And much too deep and much too hollow,
And learned men on either side
Use arguments we cannot follow'
Proposed by N: St. John-Stevas, ex-Presddent, Cambridge Union
Peter Weitzman (Christ Church)
The Rt. Hon. Sir Duff Cooper ,
O.C.M.G., D.S.O.
Opposed by Richard Faber (Christ Church), ex-Presiident, Oxford Union
The President, Godfrey Smith
This debate was recorded In the Oxford Union on November 30. It it a Farewell Debate, the final debate of term when by tradition the retiring President always speaks. By tradition, also, it is of a lighthearted nature and the speakers are not considered bound to speak to the motion. In fact the motion may be of tuch a nature at to make this difficult, if not impossible.
The motion is taken from one of Hilaire Bclloc 's verses. Mr. Belloc was President of the Union in 1895, and a portrait of him by James Gunn , R.A., was unveiled during the evening.
Renaissance Singers
Conductor, Michael Howard
Ralph Downes (organ)
London Consort of Viols:
Harry Danks (treble viol)
Stanley Wootton (treble viol)
Jacqueline Townshend (tenor viol)
Sylvia Futterlll (tenor viol)
Henry Revell (bass viol)
Robert Donington (bassviol)
This is the record of John We prate* thee, 0 Father Organs
Fancy in C fa ut
Lift up your heada
O clap your hands; God la gone up Great King of Gode
From the Church of st. Thomas,
Regent Street , London
First of a series of programmes of music by Orlando Gibbons
' Orchestra'
A poem for dancing
Read by Michael Redgrave
Presented and produced by R. D. Smith
(to the memory of Garcia Lorca) played by Loula Kaufman (violin)
Artur Balsam (piano) on gramophone records