17th-18th Centuries
Readers: Michel St. Denis and Pamela Stirling
Quatre versets from Psalm 119,
Mirabilia testimonia tua
Kyrie for alternating plainchant and organ (Messe pour les Paroisses)
Troisime lecon de tenebres pour le mercredy
Margaret Ritchie (soprano)
Elsie Suddaby (soprano)
Alfred Deller (counter-tenor) George Rizza (counter-tenor)
A section of the South London Bach Society
A section of the Schola Polyphonica
(Continued in next column)
Gareth Morris (flute)
Edward Walker (flute) Maurice Clare (violin) Ralph Downes (organ)
Introduced by Felix Aprahamian
2-The special features of Old Testament translation
Professor T. H. Robinson
In the first of these talks, which was by Professor C. H. Dodd , General Director of the translation work. an account was given of the principles and problems of translation with special reference to the New Testament. This second talk is devoted to the special problems presented by the Old Testament and the methods adopted by scholars in attempting to meet them
A study of the ' Don Pacifico Affair ' .
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Basil Cameron
Francis Poulenc (piano)
Part 1
The Situation in Indo-China by Robert Guillain , Foreign News Editor of Le Monde.
Part 2
An illustrated talk by Father Aldhelm Dean, o.s.B., on the rhythmic principles of the chant as rediscovered by Solesmes
Quartet in F minor, Op. 35 played by the Aeolian String Quartet
A talk by R. H. Ward
Conchita Badia (soprano)
Ernest Lush (piano)