Romantic opera in three acts and four scenes by Richard Wagner
English translation by Frederick Jameson
Cast in order of singing:
Covent Garden Opera Chorus
(Chorus-Master. Douglas Robinson )
Covent Garden Opera Orchestra
(Leader, Joseph Shadwick )
Conductor. Karl Rankl
From the Royal Opera House,
Covent Garden the action takes place in Antwerp in the first half of the tenth century
Act 1
A meadow on the banks of the Scheldt
Talk by Marcus Whiffen
This great house, one of the most celebrated in the country, was built for the first Duke of Devonshire in the late seventeenth century and greatly enlarged early in the nineteenth. The speaker reviews Francis Thompson 's recent book on Chatsworth, and comments in particular on the way in which the building illustrates the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century conception of an architect's duties.
Act 2
The Cathedral Square of Antwerp
Talk by Martin Cooper
Act 3
Scene 1: The bridal chamber
Scene 2: The banks of the Scheldt
A talk by Geoffrey Grigson on the origins of the garden
Suite No. 5, in C minor, for unaccompanied cello
Sonata No.2, in D. for cello and harpsichord played by Pierre Fournier (cello)
Aimée van de Wiele (harpsichord)
Second of three recitals
Gerik Schjelderup talks about the biography of the dramatist by his daughter-in-law, Bergliot Ibsen
This biography was recently published in Norway
Sextet in C, Op. 37 played by Iris Loveridge (piano)
Philharmonic String Trio:
David Martin (violin)
Max Gilbert (viola)
James Whitehead (cello)
Frederick Thurston (clarinet)
Dennis Brain (horn)