by Peter Fleming
The speaker gives an account of his experiences when he was being towed over the jungle in a glider during Wingate's last campaign.
General editor, Gerald Abraham
51-The Orchestra in the Seventeenth Century
Editor, J. A. Westrup
A section of the London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, George Stratton )
Diana Poulton (lute)
Thurston Dart (harpsichord)
Conducted by Walter Goehr
Introduced by Alec Robertson
Its Possibilities
Talk by Percy Johnson Marshall , A.R.I.B.A. The speaker believes that the salaried architect employed by a public body is able to make a greater contribution to present-day architecture than the private practitioner. Mr. Marshall examines the relation between the public architect and his client, and argues that the public office is better equipped than the private to make necessary research and experiment in both planning and building.
Mr. Marshall is Assistant Senior Planning
Officer of the Town Planning Division of the' L.C.C. Architect's Department.
The Boyd Neel Orchestra
(Leader, Maurice Clare )
Conducted by Georges Enesco From the Kingsway Hall. London
Part 1
Dr. Cecil Gill recalls his brother as a young man and speaks about his last days
Part 2
Translated by Louis MacNeice assisted by E. L. Stahl
Music by Matyas Seiber
Produced by E. A. Harding
Assistant producer, Donald McWhinnie
'Faust' Part 2
Programme 3
John Francis (flute)
Manoug Parikian (violin)
Hans Geiger (violin) Bernard Davis (viola)
George Roth (cello)
Adrian Beers (double-bass)
Millicent Silver
(harpsichord and piano) Third of four concerts by the London
Harpsichord Ensemble