String Quartet No. 2 played by the Griller String Quartet:
Sidney Griller (violin) Jack O'Brien (violin) Philip Burton (viola) Colin Hampton (cello)
‘Faust’ in Music
Talk by H. G. Adler on the music inspired by Goethe's ' Faust'
Eighth of a series of talks
August Wenzinger (treble viol)
Marianne Majer (tenor viol) Maya Wenzinger (tenor viol)
Gertrud Fluegel (bass viol)
by R. D. Rivett
Rohan Rivett is an Australian newspaper correspondent and radio commentator. During the war he was news editor of the Malayan Broadcasting Corporation; was captured by the Japanese, and worked on the Burma-Siam Railway. He was in Siam when the war ended and revisited it in 1947. Fifth of a group of talks
Translated by Louis MacNeice assisted by E. L. Stahl
Music by Matyas Seiber
Produced by E. A. Harding
Assistant producer, Donald McWhinnie
‘Faust’ Part 2
Programme 1
The Action: Alpine foot-hills; The Imperial Court: Pleasure garden; A dark corridor: Ante-room in the Palace; The Hall of the Knights
(Continued in next column)
Characters in order of speaking:
The Court: Joan Hart , Betty Linton ,
Lucille Lisle , Lydia Sherwood , Joan Clement Scott. Elsa Palmer , Margaret Vines , Andrew Church-man , Basil Jones , Gerik Schjelderup. John Sharp
Ariel's song sung by Alfred Deller
The New Symphony Orchestra and the Augmented Dorian Singers
Conducted by Matyas Seiber
Third of six programmes
played by the Halle Orchestra
(Leader, Laurance Turner )
Conducted by Bernard Herrmann
A Dramatist and his Religion by Geoffrey Brereton
The fundamental nature of Racine's Jansenism has been variously interpreted. The evidence that Dr. Brereton examines is contained chiefly in two groups of letters written by Racine in youth and middle age.
Martin Boddey (tenor) Hervey Alan (baritone) with Clifton Helliwell (piano)
The Countryman The Fox
Autumn Twilight
Chopcherry: Along the Stream
The Jolly Shepherd; My Own Country Consider; Spring
Late Summer; The Toper's Song
Third of four recitals of songs by Peter Warlock
Fifteenth of a series of reports on the Soviet point of view as expressed in the Soviet Press and 'broadcasts directed to listeners in the U.S.S.R.
Camilla Castelli (soprano)
Josephine Lee (accompanist)
Wigmore Ensemble