Recorded excerpts from the Diisseldorf Theatre's production performed at the Edinburgh Festival, with Gustav Griindgens , and from the radio production in English, with Stephen Murray and Howard Marion-Crawford
Fantasia In C minor (K.475) Sonata in F (K.533 and 494) played by Joan Davies (piano)
Last of eight programmes of Mozart's piano music
Talk by G. E. Daniel , Ph.D.
The accidental discovery in 1940 of cave paintings and engravings at Lascaux in the South of France was one of the most remarkable events in archaeology, and the paintings themselves have been called one of the wonders of the world.
In this talk Dr. Daniel reviews two recent books on the subject, and gives his own impressions of the caves and some reflections on Upper Palaeolithic Cave Art.
A New Judgment by David Garnett
Produced by Douglas Cleverdon
An Apocalyptic Symphony
(Symphony No. 4, Op. 87) for speaker, chorus, and orchestra
Choral text by Hjalmar Gullberg
Anthony Jacobs (speaker)
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate )
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Goethe and Schubert
Richard Capell talks about Schubert's settings of Goethe's poems
Singer, Bruce Boyce with Frederick Stone (piano)
Fourteenth of a series of talks
' The Strayed Reveller'
' The Scholar Gypsy '
Readers: Robert Harris
Hedli Anderson , and David Enders
Production by Frank Hauser
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
by C. A. W Manning
In'discussing international issues, what do we mean by right and wrong? Professor Charles Manning, Head of the Department of International Relations at the London School of Economics, enquires into the assumptions involved in moral judgments on international affairs.