(Founder, Cuthbert Kelly )
April Cantelo , Nellie Carson Joyce Sutton , Harry Barnes Roland Robson , Cecil Cope
Short story by Sir Hugh Clifford
Reader, James Langham
String Quartet in F minor
Op. 20 No. 5 played by the Hurwitz String Quartet:
Emanuel Hurwitz (violin)
Granville Jones (violin) Kenneth Essex (viola)
Terence Weil (cello)
An American Considers the Report of the Royal Commission
Talk by Frank Notestein , late of the United Nations, Professor of Demography at Princeton, who is directly concerned with population research in the United States
Gyorgy Garay (violin)
Hungarian Radio Orchestra
Conducted by Laszlo Somogyi
From Hungary.
An Allegorical Apology for Christianity
Reason and Romanticism by C. S. Lewis
Adapted for broadcasting by Terence Tiller
Part 1
Nine Preludes, Op. 103 played by John Simons (piano)
Part 2
Bernhard Sonnerstedt (baritone)
Frederick Stone (piano)
(born July 27, 1870)
A selection of his verse in honour of his 79th birthday Chosen by D. B. Wyndham Lewis
Cecil Trouncer ,Robert Harris
Production by Mary Hope Allen