Nikolaus Pevsner talks about the German paintings between 1500 and 1530 now on view at the Vienna and Munich exhibitions in London
Serenade in D, Op. 8 played by the Philharmonic String Trio
General Editor, Gerald Abraham
33-English Opera in the Seventeenth Century
Editor, J. A. Westrup
Ceinwen Rowlands (soprano)
Sidney Horwood (alto)
Rene Soames (tenor)
Trevor Anthony (bass)
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master. Leslie Woodgate )
John Wills (harpsichord) The Boyd Neel Orchestra
(Leader. Maurice Clare )
Conducted by Anthony Lewis
Introduced by Alec Robertson
Shakespeare and his Sources
J. Isaacs indicates how recent research has extended our knowledge of the sources on which Shakespeare drew for his plays and the use he made of them
Third of nine talks
Marcello Cortis (bass)
Robert Casadesus (piano)
Orchestre de la Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire
Conducted by Ernest Bour
Suite: Idomeneo
Concert Aria: Per questa bella mano
(K.612) (Double-bass obbligato: Gaston Lagerot )
9.50 app. Interval
(Concert continued)
Piano Concerto No. 24. in C minor
Symphony No. 35. in D (Haffner)
Talk by Vera Micheles Dean , Research Director of the Foreign Policy Association, New York
Quartet No. 6 played by the Hungarian String Quartet on gramophone records