Elizabeth Hongen (contralto)
David Martin (violin)
Neville Marriner (violin)
Eileen Grainger (viola) Keith Cummings (viola)
Harold Beck (cello)
James W. Merrett (double-bass)
Thurston Dart (harpsichord)
Conducted by Trevor Harvey
L. L. Whyte describes two dramatic examples and shows that simultaneous discovery is not a freak but may occur when certain conditions exist
Oda Slobodskaya (soprano)
Jean Pougnet (violin)
Members of the Leighton Lucas Orchestra Conductor, Leighton Lucas
Lord Samuel broadcasts his Presidential Address given to the Royal Institute of Philosophy on October 20
Fantasy in F minor. Op. 49 Sonata in B minor. Op. 58 played by Malcuzŷnski (piano)
Discussion by experts on various techniques whose fusion constitutes the technique of ballet
Speakers: Arnold Haskell (Director of Sadler's Wells School), Frederick Ashton (choreographer), Constant Lambert (composer and conductor), Michael Ayrton (designer), and Michael Hordern (layman)
Edited and produced by Malcolm Baker-Smith
(Founder, Cuthbert Kelly )
April Cantelo, Nellie Carson Joyce Sutton. Harry Barnes Roland Robson , Cecil Cope
Fourth of six recitals
Talk by A. P. Ryan
Sir Harry and his wife, Lady Smith. gave their names to places famous in South African history. Sir Harry served with British armies all over the world, and made himself sufficiently famous to be mentioned by Wellington and Thackeray
Metamorphosen played by the strings of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by Herbert von Karajan on gramophone records