by W. G. Constable , Curator of Painting, Boston Museum of Fine Arts and THE STATE OF ART
IN WESTERN GERMANY by Count Franz Wolff Mettemich
Extracts from talks recorded by these speakers during recent visits to this country
William Herbert (tenor) Robert Irwin (baritone) Frederick Stone (piano)
An appreciation by George D. Painter
The first volume of a standard English edition of the works of Andrd Gide was published recently. This was Strait is the Gate, Dorothy Bussy 's translation of Monsieur Gide 's La Porte trroite, which George Painter takes as a starting-point for an assessment of Gide as a novelist
Sonata in B flat minor, Op. 35 played by Henryk Sztompka (piano)
A weekly talk on international affairs given by a BBC staff correspondent
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor, Wilhelm Furtwangler
Part 1
Overture: Leonora, No. 3 Symphony No. 8, in F
Frank Birch comments on recent dramatic productions in the Third Programme. He considers, in particular. The Trial of Lord Byron and the radio presentation of St. Joan
Part 2
Symphony No. 7, in A
From the Royal Albert Hall
(Concert broadcast by arrangement with Victor Hochheuser )
Another concert by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra on October 6
Raymond Mortimer , who says that his enjoyment of music is much greater than his knowledge of it, gives the first music talk in this new series
Next talk in the series: October 7
Gareth Morris (flute)
Jack Brymer (clarinet)
Gwendolen Mason (harp)
Hirsch String Quartet
Loredana Franceschini (piano)
String Quartet
Gaspard de la Nuit , for piano
Introduction and Allegro. for flute, clarinet, string quartet, and harp
An Agony in Eight Fits by Lewis Carroll
Reader, Cecil Trouncer
Production by E. J. King Bull