The fourth of five talks by Dr. J. Bronowski on the growth of science and its creative ideas in relation to society and the arts
by William Shakespeare
Arranged for broadcasting and produced by Sir Lewis Casson
Introduced by M. R. Ridley
Part 1
Eugenia Zareska (mezzo-soprano)
Anton Dermota (tenor)
(Continued in next column)
Arsene Kirilloff (baritone)
Frederick Stone (piano)
Tell me, star. where art thou?; The classical scholar; To the Dnieper; Evening Song; By the River Don ; Savishna; The Ragamuffin; The Seminarist: Night; Gopak
Part 2
Sonata in F minor, Op. 34b played by Harry Isaacs and York Bowen
(two pianos)
David Nichol Smith , who for many years was Merton Professor of English Literatur-i in the University of Oxford and is an authority on the writers of the eighteenth century. reviews Harold Williams 's new edition of Swift's ' Journal to Stella'
Petite Suite:
Aubade; Pastorale; Mascarade played by the , Paris Conservatoire Orchestra
Conducted by Charles Munch
Le Festln de l'Araignee played by the Straram Orchestra
Conductor, Walther Straram on gramophone records
A short story by H. G. Wells
Read by Laidman Browne