From Années de Pelerinage, TrotsiémeAnnee:
Marche funèbre Sursum corda
La lugubre gondola
Csardas macabre played by Louis Kentner (piano)
Music drama in three acts by Richard Wagner
Cast in order of singing :
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham , Bt.
Produced by Stanford Robinson
Act 1
Interior of Hunding's dwelling
An Appraisal
Fourth and last talk by A. J. P. Taylor , Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
3-Thomas Jefferson
A talk by Dr. J. Bronowski on the change which took place from invention to imagination between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In two previous broadcasts he spoke about William Blake and Sir Humphry Davy
Act 2
A wild and rocky pass
by Denis' Constanduros
Produced by Mary Hope Allen
Act 3
The summit of a rocky mountain (the ' Valkyrie's Rock ')