Regional Variations (4)
National Programme
National Programme
National Programme
Regional Variations (4)
Regional Variations (6)
Regional Programme
Regional Programme
Regional Programme
Regional Programme
Regional Variations (4)
National Programme
North Regional Programme
EDWARD ALLAM (pianoforte)
(From Leeds)
Handel's sonatas, whether for flute or other instrument, differ from the modem sonata not only in form, but in the prime importance given to the solo instrument. This one, for example, was not designed as a work in which both flute and piano are roughly of equal importance and interest, as a modern composer would design it. The flute is here a solo instrument, and in the original manuscript the so-called piano part would have been represented by a figured bass only. This would have meant that the player at the keyboard filled in an accompaniment according to his ability to interpret the figured bass before him. Occasionally, too, a bass stringed instrument would have supported him by playing the actual bass notes. It will be played this afternoon, however, from a modern edited version, and the piano part will sound as full and rich as Handel probably intended it should.
Haydn, on the other hand, wrote all his chamber music in pure sonata form— was he not its father ?-and this sonata is a work designed not merely for flute and an accompaniment, but for flute and keyboard, where each instrument is of necessary importance.
The flute, one of the oldest instruments known, has always had a large following of admirers and players. In the days before the complicated modern orchestra, when everybody is more or less a soloist, the flute was paid greater attention by composers than it is today. Much of the classical flute repertory dates from the eighteenth century.
Regional Variations (3)
Belfast Programme
Belfast Programme
Regional Variations (5)
The Children's Hour
The Children's Hour
The Children's Hour
Scottish Children's Hour
A quarter of an hour for the Tinies
Another adventure of Peter Cottontail from' The Forest Series ' by THORNTON BURGESS
' Pat-a-Cake ', Pat-a-cake, Baker's man.' ' Bluetta and the Wonderful Cake', by PRISCILLA CHILVER , will be read
Regional Variations (5)
The First News'
Time Signal, Greenwich; The First News
Time Signal, Greemvich 'The First News'
'The First News'
Weather Forecast, First General News Bulletin and Bulletin for Farmers, followed by Regional Announcements and Bulletin for Northern English Farmers
Regional Variations (5)
As Midland Regional
As North Regional
As North Regional
At the Organ of The Regal,
Regional Variations (4)
North Regional Programme
The Northern Studio Orchestra Abroad
North Regional Programme
Regional Variations (5)
London Regional Programme
'The Fantastic Battle'
London Regional Programme
London Regional Programme
Regional Variations (3)
LAURA BLACK and MARGARET LAWSON (in violin duets) DAVID BUCHAN (pianoforte)
An excerpt from the electrical recording of the above, which was broadcast in the West Regional programme this afternoon between 15.00 and 16.15
(3.0 and 4.15)
Regional Variations (5)
' The Second News '
' The Second News '
Time Signal, Greenwich; The Second News
' The Second News '
Weather Forecast
Second General News Bulletin