Regional Variations (4)
National Programme
National Programme
National Programme
Regional Variations (4)
Regional Variations (6)
Regional Programme
Regional Programme
Regional Programme
Regional Programme
Regional Variations (5)
National Programme
National Programme
National Programme
National Programme
(with the exception of the Running Com- mentaries which will not be broadcast on this wavelength)
Relayed from YORK MINSTER
Vestry Prayer
Organ Voluntary Responses
Psalms for the tenth evening First Lesson
Magnificat (Byrd-Plainsong) Second Lesson
Nunc Dimittis (Byrd-Plainsong)
Anthem, Hear my prayer (Mendelssohn)
Music by Bach
Regional Variations (5)
The Children's Hour
The Children's Hour
Scottish Children's Hour
The Children's Hour
A Quarter of an hour for the Tinies.
Another Animal Corner with Jimmy Elliott
A Story of Julia the Cow. 'Julia goes on the films' by Frederick Chester and Eric Logan
Gerald Nobin will sing.
Regional Variations (5)
Time Signal, Greenwich; The First News
' The First News'
'The First News'
' The First News '
Time Signal, Greemaich
Weather Forecast, First General News Bulletin and Bulletin for Farmers, followed by Regional Announcements and Bulletin for Northern English Farmers
Regional Variations (5)
National Programme
North Regional Programme
North Regional Programme
National Programme
An Eye-Witness Account of the third Test Match by HOWARD MARSHALL
Relayed from Old Trafford, Manchester
Regional Variations (3)
As Belfast
As Belfast
Regional Variations (5)
Cupid plus Two'
' Cupid Plus Two'
London Regional Programme
As Scottish Regional
Regional Variations (5)
An Eye-Witness Account
' Walker's Paradise'
H. FAIRBANK : 'The Flowered Garden'
Regional Variations (2)
Ar Lannau Conwy
Regional Variations (5)
An Organ Recital by
London Regional Programme
Assorted Folk Music
Relayed from Ravensworth Park, Gateshead, Newcastle-upon-Tyne with Interludes of Gramophone Records
Taking part :
24th Field Brigade, R.A. Royal Corps of Signals 1st Bn. Royal Scots
2nd Bn. Northumberland Fusiliers 1st Bn. Highland Light Infantry 2nd Bn. Gordon Highlanders 2nd Bn. Seaforth Highlanders
1st Bn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
3rd (King's Own) Hussars
2nd Bn. The Lincolnshire Regt. 2nd Bn. East Yorkshire Regt. 2nd Bn. Royal Scots Fusiliers
2nd Bn. South Wales Borderers 2nd Bn. Gloucestershire Regt. 1st Bn. East Lancashire Regt. 1st Bn. The Essex Regt. 1st Bn. Sherwood Foresters 1st Bn. Durham Light Infantry No. 9 Section R.A.O.C.
2nd Bn. King's Own Royal Regt. 9th Bn. Durham Light Infantry
Commentator, Lieut-Colonel J. L. I. HAWKSWORTH , O.B.E.
(East Yorkshire Regiment)
Regional Variations (5)
' The Second News'
' The Second News '
Time Signal, Greenwich; The Second News
'The. Second News'
Weather Forecast
Second General News Bulletin
Regional Variations (5)
London Regional Programme
London Regional Programme
Y Tywydd a Newyddion y Dydd
Relayed from Ravensworth Park, Gateshead, Newcastle-upon-Tyne