Regional Variations (5)
National Programme
North Regional Programme
North Regional Programme
North Regional Programme
Relayed from Liverpool Cathedral
The Liturgical Easter Anthem The Easter Bidding
Hymn, Jesus Christ is risen today
(A. and M., 134; S. P., 145)
The Easter Blessing
Collect and Lord's Prayer
The Choir : Hallelujah ! For the Lord
God Omnipotent ........ (Handel)
The Lesson
Te Deum (Vaughan Williams) Creed, Versicles and Collects
Anthem, Now from the deep upriseth
The Easter Intercessions
Hymn, The strife is o'er (A. and M.,
135; S. P., 147)
Address by the Rev. C. E. RAVEN ,
Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge
Hymn, The day draws on with golden light (E. H. , 123)
The Blessing
Hymn, Jesu lives (A. and M., 140;
S. P., 155)