A Pianoforte Recital by ARTHUR ROBERTS
or ' Drugged and Drowned in Digbeth '
A Melodrammer in One Act by T. EDGAR PEMBERTON
Music by T. ANDERTON
Dramatis Perionce
The Scene is laid in the interior of The Redd Lyon Inn in Digbeth, Birmingham
Leader, Alfred Cave
Conducted by H. FOSTER CLARK
Production by MARTYN C. WEBSTER
This burlesque was written by T. Edgar Pemberton for performance at a bazaar in aid of Birmingham Hospitals in 1880 —a period when burlesques were more frequently produced than in the present age. Subsequently it was performed in Liverpool and at the Gaiety Theatre, London ; but for fifty years it has not been seen on the professional stage. Joan Wellings , who appears in the name part, discovered the book in the Birmingham Reference Library. She broadcast from the Birmingham Studio in New Street and played opposite Sydney Russell in the first broadcast performance of Hamlet from Savoy Hill.