Leslie Whitaker
Music from the Films
Directed by John MacArthur (Scottish)
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Guy Warrack
Tchaikovsky's Trio in A minor,
Op. 50 played by Yehudi Menuhin (violin), Hephzibah Menuhin (pianoforte), and Maurice Eisenberg (violoncello) 1 Pezzo elegiaco
2 Tema con variazioni
by Clifford Knowles
Leader, Harry Lipman
Conductor, Herbert Lodge from the Winter Gardens, Margate
India v. The World
A commentary on the last three chukkas by Major G. Phipps-Homby from Hurlingham
Anthony Blunt
From time to time talks are to be given on art; and here is the first of three talks by Anthony Blunt on modern painting. He was a don at Cambridge, and is a distinguished art critic-lecturer on art at the Courtauld Institute of London University, an editor of the Warburg Journal, and art critic of the Spectator. But for all this, the average listener should not run away with the idea that the talks are to be academic and above his head - they are being given expressly for him.
This afternoon Anthony Blunt will face the problem that some of the most famous painters today are almost unintelligible to the layman. What can the latter gather from a picture, for instance, of three sea-shells and a corpse, entitled ' Portrait of My Sister ' ? In the past the most famous artists have usually been the most intelligible and popular of all.
He will discuss this situation and try to explain it. He personally enjoys some of these extraordinary productions, but admits that there is no reason why anybody else should.
with Andrew Clayton