Directed by Sydney Phasey
from the New Victoria Cinema, Bradford
' Coal Mining'
A discussion between
P Sargant Florence and G. H. Jones
(Midland Programme)
(To be repeated in the Midland programme on Friday at 6.40)
from the Orpheus Restaurant,
Zimbalist (violin): Carmen Fantasy (Bizet)
John McCormack (tenor): Now sleeps the crimson petal (Quilter). Love's Secret (Bantock)
William Primrose (viola): None but the weary heart (Tchaikovsky)
John McCormack (tenor): Who is
Sylvia ? (Schubert). Since first I saw your face (arr. Somerville)
Casals (violoncello): Song without
Words in D, Op. 109 (Mendelssohn)
What Three Maids Think
The cast includes
Alexandra Male Quartette
. Latasha and Laurence
South China Troupe
Eileen Rogan's Sixteen Mites
Lehmiski Ladies
Book and lyrics by Basil Thomas
Music composed and arranged by David Cochran
Production devised by Leon Salberg and David Cochran
Produced by David Cochran from the Alexandra Theatre ,
Horowitz (pianoforte): Arabeske,
Op. 18 ; Traumeswirren (Confused Dreams) (Op. 12) (Schumann). Funerailles (Liszt)