at the Organ of the Regal Cinema,
Bexley Heath
by Harry Moreton from St. Andrew's Parish Church,
Caroja Cerf (soprano)
The Nancy Phillips
String Quartet:
Nancy Phillips (violin)
Jean Ie Fevre (violin)
Eileen Grainger (viola)
Lilly Phillips (violoncello)
(Plymouth Division)
(By permission of Brigadier H. G. Grant ,
Conducted by Captain F. J. Ricketts ,
Director of Music, Royal Marines
Marjorie Gordon (soprano) from the Abbey Hall, Plymouth (Soloist, W. BANNING> )
Leader, Norman Rouse
Conductor, Maurice Miles from the Pump Room, Bath
(A Musical Hot-Pot) by Max Kester
Produced by Ernest Longstaffe
In which the Honorary Secretary of the Sithadale Slate Club gets a proper slating
The action takes place in the taproom of the Jug and Bottle in the village of Slape-under-Foot
Songs by Max Kester and Ernest Longstaffe with interpolated items
Accompaniments by Rae Jenkins 's
' Chalk it Up' was broadcast on Tuesday in the National programme