Directed by Philip Martell from the Commodore Theatre,
Mark Raphael (baritone): 0 the month of May ; Go lovely Rose ; Cherry Valley (Quilter)
Muriel Brunskill (contralto):
Kishmul's Galley; In Hebrid Seas (both from Songs of the Hebrides) (Kennedy-Fraser). By the Banks of Allan Water (trad.)
Mark Raphael (baritone): Weep you no more ; To Daisies ; Song of the Blackbird ; It was a lover and his lass (Quilter)
Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conductor, E. Godfrey Brown
Muriel Thompson (contralto)
(From Northern Ireland)
Leader, Harold F. Petts
Conductor, Ernest W. Goss
Helen Sandow (contralto) from the Pavilion, Torquay