at the Organ of the New Cinerama,
Directed by Alfred Van Dam from the Troxy Cinema
Leader, Bernard Reillie
Conducted by Charles Shadwell
(By permission of Brigadier H. G. Grant )
Conducted by Captain F. J. Ricketts
,Director of Music, Royal Marines
Glyn Eastman (baritone) from the Abbey Hall, Plymouth
from the Spa Royal Hall,
Last Friday Herman Darewski gave his first broadcast from a London studio ; today he is to broadcast from Bridlington for the first time this season. At Easter he broke all records there at the Spa Royal Hall — which augurs well for his twenty-week summer season for the eleventh year in succession. For Coronation Day he is organising a pageant procession which is to finish up at the Spa Royal Hall and is as likely to be as successful as everything the author of ' Musical Memories ' has ever done. His autobiography-just published-is as entertaining as anything this master of entertainment has ever achieved. He has composed over three thousand songs in his time-among them ' Rosy Rapture ', ' Razzle Dazzle ', and that wartime hit, ' Sister Susie's sewing shirts for soldiers '.
The action takes place in Greece in ancient times
Scene I, Court before the Palace of Admetus, King of Pherae from the Royal Opera House,
Covent Garden
Chorus of People
Chorus Master, Robert Ainsworth
Producer, Pierre Chereau
Mosco Carner tells the story of the opera in the article on page 8