Opening Music: Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik
9.35 RELIGIOUS SERVICE for Primary Schools
Prayer and Response (1)
In Christ there is no East or West
(S.P. 537; BBC Supplement 19; Tune, St. Stephen— S.P. 250)
Ruth Prayer and Responses (4)
Heavenly Father (S.P. 516; D.S. 71;
P.H.J. 65: BBC Supplement 10; Tune, Pleading Saviour— S.P. 516)
Closing Music
Hymns and Responses as in Notes for the Teacher
Last Thursday's recorded broadcast in the Home Service
A series designed for enthusiasts
Second of two illustrated talks by Thurston Dart
This week:
Bach's Corcerto for two violins in D minor, and the Brandembung Concerto No. 2. in F
A series of weekly programmes entirely in German
The Salzburg Festival was one of the first of the many European art festivals now held. The programme explains how it came into being, and includes extracts from performances.
Agriculture in the Common Market
Ten programmes to investigate the effect of the Common Market on British agriculture
Chairman, James Murray
4: The Northern Ireland Aspect
J. T. O'Brien ),
General Secretary of the Ulster Farmers' Union discusseswith Derek Healey the problems peculiar to Northern Ireland
Produced by George Sigeworth
Introduced by John Lade
Building a Library:
Debussy's orchestral Images by Edward Lockspeiser
Recent records of concertos reviewed by Martin Cooper and a book reviewed by B. J. Webb