A monthly programme
Six programmes devoted to the prehistory of southern and equatorial Africa
Introduced by Professor Desmond Clark of the University of California. Berkeley
5: The Rise of the Kingdoms
This edition looks into the development of political communities during the Middle Ages and the emergence of native African art forms with ROGER SUMMERS
Curator of the National Museum, Bulawayo
BERNARD FAGG of the Department of Antiquities, Jos Museum. Nigeria, ERIC AXELSON of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg Produced by John Irving
Twenty programmes designed to give listeners with some knowledge of Italian an opportunity of improving their understanding of the language.
The programmes are presented by Giuseppe Manighetti who is bilingual with the assistance of Ariella Reggio and Andrea Tacchi
They will include revision of grammar, reading of printed texts. explanations of syntax and vocabulary and impromptu conversations
An essential adjunct to the programmes is a special ninety-four-page booklet containing English introductions, texts, explanatory notes, and vocabulary. It can be obtained through booksellers and newsagents, price 5s., or by sending a crossed postal order to [address removed]. A new Italian Pronunciation disc, sponsored by the BBC, has also been prepared. The speakers are Ariella Reggio and Andrea Tacchi. It can be obtained from BBC Publications at the above address, price 5s. 3d. plus 9d. for inland postage and packing.
Diet and Development: 4
Diet and Activity in the Older Adolescent discussed by DR. O. G. EDHOLM of the Division of Human Physiology, Medical Research Council
Is Your Child Musical?
The first of two talks by JOHN GAVALL , Music Adviser to a Local Education Authority
Four-year-old Jonathan has his tonsils out
ANN HALES-TOOKE talks about her feelings and those of her little boy, when he was in hospital for ' only three days'
Today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the London Stock Market closing report