A magazine for radio and recording enthusiasts
Introduced by Douglas Brown
The Shimmer of the Violins: Rhydwin Owen explains how. starting from ignorance, he achieved Hi-Fi results which satisfy him as a music-lover
British Amateur Tape Recording Contest: Some excerpts from the tapes selected for the Final
Tape Recorders for the Blind: John Borwick talks to two blind tape users, Ron Hall and Malcolm Turner
Forty programmes designed to give listeners with no previous knowledge of the language a thorough grounding in basic Italian, through the medium of simple conversations and readings.
Lesson 1
The lessons presented by Luisa Rapaccini based on her book Parlo Italiano a textbook for beginners
Assisted by Ariella Reggio and Andrea Tacchi Devised and produced by Elsie Ferguson
Recorded broadcast of Oct. 3, 1960
A visit to the European Bridge Championships at Torre Abbey, Torquay
The broadcast includes part of a match in which Great Britain is playing
Introduced by Terence Reese and Harold Franklin
A ('hair, a Book, and a Clock Talk by Frank Rhoden
Methods and Resources A new autumn series by Gerald Abrahams
1: Dynamic Pawns
The position to be discussed
Kings deliberately omitted
Summer Bulletin
R. G. Wade reports briefly on chess activities during the last few months Programme arranged by Terence Tiller
Antony Hopkins discusses a work or theme of current interest