by Harold Darke
From St. Michael's Church Cornhill, London
A series of weekly programmes for those interested in French life and language
1: Poems set to Music
Poems by La Fontaine , Hugo, and Vertaine Music by Gounod, Franck, and Faur6
The programmes are presented by Jacques Brunius , who introduces the subject in English, comments in French and English on points of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary which are of special difficulty or interest, and presents the chosen texts, songs, or extracts from plays and films. Devised and produced by Elsie Ferguson
: originally broadcast in 1959 See page 42
A forty-page pamphlet is available, giving background material and illustrations, with extracts from the more difficult of the texts to be quoted.
It can be obtained, price Is. 6d., through newsagents and bookseller or direct hy crossed postal order for Is. 6d. from BBC Publications (Anthologie), [address removed]
See facing page
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