A weekly programme about work in the world of science
How Deep?
A discussion between
Sir Edward Bullard , F.R.S. of the Department of Geodesy and Geophysics in the University of Cambridge and Tom Gaskell , Ph.D. chief physicist of the exploration department of one of the major oil companies
To extend last week's programme, the speakers discuss the rock of the deep ocean floor.
It is already known from seismic experiments at sea that the ocean floor is covered with a thousand feet of soft sediment, but nothing is known of the nature of the underlying rocks. There is an economic incentive to find out, because oil companies are already carrying out extensive off-shore drilling for oil and Dr. Gaskell contends that existing techniques could be extended without much research.
Introduced by Roy Hay
Sam McGredy: a programme of work among the roses
Fred Streeter: seeing red in the herbaceous border
John Keeling: the nature of F1 hybrids and how to treat them
A weekly magazine
Arranged and introduced by Bill Hartley including:
Peter Warwick , editor of Modern Caravan, on buying the right caravan
The Insurance Consultant: How can I reduce my motor premium?
Tips on the care of your car The week's motoring news
Edited by H. Saunders-Jacoba