From page 37 of ' New Every Morning'
at the Organ of the Classic Cinema,
Lucrezia Bori (soprano) : Malaguena
(Pagans); 11 bacio (Arditi); Connaistu le pays (Mignon) (Ambroise Thomas ) ; Musetta's Waltz Song (La Boheme) Puccini)
Conductor, SHERIDAN GORDON from the Theatre Royal, Birmingham
with VERNON ADCOCK (xylophone)
(From Birmingham)
EMLYN BURNS (tenor) from the Gorse Hall, Swansea
Leader, Daniel Melsa
Conductor, ERIC FOGG
Harry Robbins (xylophone) : Robbin'
Harry, Nursery Masquerade (Jeans)
Derek Oldham (tenor) with Chorus :
Regimental Song, The White Eagle (Friml). One day (Hans May)
Len Fillis (guitar), Scott Wood
(pianoforte) : Medley, Waltzing to the Guitar
Rudy Wiedoeft (saxophon e) :
Saxema Waltz , Marilyn (Wiedoeft)
Florne Forde : Sing song Medley
Jacques Fray and Mario Braggiotti
(pianofortes) : Variations on Who's afraid of the big bad wolf ? (Churchill)
Debroy Somers ' Band : Selection,
Lucky Break (Acher, O'Keefe, and Furber)
' Changes in London'
On December 29, 1935, while house-breakers were getting ready for the demolition of the Adelphi, Max Beer bohm in a famous broadcast talk gave his impressions of the changes in London during the last twenty-five years. This afternoon, Philip Jordan will discuss what has been happening to the face of London during the year that has passed.
Directed by PHILIP MARTELL from the Commodore Theatre,
Edwin Fischer (pianoforte) : Chaconne (Handel)
Gerhard Hüsch (baritone) with Margaret Kilpinen (pianoforte) : Tanzlied ; Spielmannssehnen ; Ich sang mich durch das deutsche Land ; Elegie an die Nachtigall ; Der Skilaufer, from Spielmannslieder (A Minstrel's Songs) (Kilpinen)
Rachmaninov (pianoforte) : Etude
Tableau in A minor, Op. 39, Polka de W. R. (Rachmaninov)
with LOLA GORDON (Arrangements by Hallis and Jess )
including Weather Forecast
Irene Kohler was born at Walthamstow in 1909, and at the age of twelve she won an open scholarship at the Trinity Colltge of Music. Six years later she became a student at the Royal College of Music where she studied under Arthur Benjamin. After having won a number of important awards at the Col'ege, she went to Vienna, where she studied under Eduard Steuermann. As an interpretative artist Miss Kohler has shown a catholic taste in that she shows equal sympathy for classical, romantic and modern music.
(By permission of the Savoy Hotel, Ltd.) with BRIAN LAWRANCE , ANNE LENNER and THE THREE GINX
A Black Country Play by H. W. Small
Dramatis Personce
Ephraim Barworth , a fogger or middle man
Sarah Barworth , his wife
John Goss , a young nailer Daft Robin
Mouldy-head, an old nailer Mary Ann , his wife
Thurza, their daughter
Matthew Thurza 's children
Kezia George Handley , a young nailer Sammy, a shopkeeper's son Isaac Bingham , a magistrate
Jenny Goss , the wife of John Goss
A Yeomanry Officer, Nailers, Shop-keepers, Villagers, etc.
Scene 1 : Ephraim Barworth 's Shop
Scene 2 : Mouldy-head's Nail Shop
Scene 3 : The Market Place at Castle-ridge
Scene 4 : A Room at the Home of John Goss
The cast includes : H. E. Jephcott , Dorothy Salt , Harold Porter , Alfred Kemp , Tom Salt , May Cattell, Helen Shelton , Marion Page , Ben Beasley , William Abberley , Leslie Hayward , Hollin Hopcutt , Reginald Bennett and John Gooding
Chorus sung by the Upper Ettingshall Primitive Methodist Chapel Male
Voice Choir
Produced by Owen Reed
(From Birmingham)
The Nailers ' was broadcast in the Regional programme last night
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
Conducted by HAROLD LOWE
A Radio-Dramatic Survey of the Life of Coleridge; especially those years of it spent among the English Lakes ; as mirrored in his written
Verse and Prose
The Programme and Music arranged by D. G. BRIDSON and the whole produced by E. A. HARDING
Frost at Midnight ' vias broadcast on Sunday in the National programme