(to 11.00)
Leader, Louis Levitus
Relayed from The National Museum of Wales
(to 14.00)
Leader, Louis Levitus
A Programme of Odds and Ends
6.50 Mr. A. R. Dawson: Two Adventurers of the West - I: Pirate Avery and the Mogul's Jewels
Mr. Dawson's stories sound more like 'best sellers' than fact, but they are absolutely authentic. We are too far removed from the eighteenth century to be aware of the furore aroused when Pirate Avery laid his rascally hands upon the diamonds of the Grand Mogul, the wealthiest potentate that India has ever had. Mr. Dawson will explain how Avery accomplished his daring raid and will deal with the rumour that some of the treasure found its way surreptitiously to certain merchants of Bristol.
(to 23.00)
(For Other Stations' Programmes see page 546)