' Innocents In India '
THE ABERDEEN ANIMALS, who recently discovered Australia, indulge in a little further exploration
The Aberdeen Animals are nothing if not enterprising. They are a living example of Aberdonian enterprise, and refuse to believe that if you tak' awa' Aiberdeen an' twal mile aroun' the world suddenly proves inhospitable and uninteresting. Their Australian trip was a great success and there is no reason to suppose that the one to India will be less fruitful in surprising adventure.
Whether they propose to prospect on the backs of elephants or those of more nimble donkeys has not yet been revealed. Brer Rabbit will have to be careful in case he is snapped up by a discriminating tiger. Squirrel had better keep well away from the monkey people. And as for Miss Mouse, she had better beware of the kites that on the hungry, arid plains of India keep a sharp look-out for juicy morsels.
including Weather Forecast, followed by Scottish Announcements, Scottish Market Prices for Farmers, and Herring Fishing Bulletin
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
(Regional Programme. See page 50)