including Weather Forecast, followed by Scottish Announcements, Scottish Market Prices for Farmers, and Herring Fishing Bulletin
Sangs an' Stories aboot some Auld Skweelies o' langsinsyne, wi' the fourth o' the Auld Wives' Tales-
This ane'll be aboot
Readin', Writin' an' Jiggonometry an' ither Maitters Pedagogical
These ' Auld Wives' Tales ', as listeners will know by this time, are very far from being mere clashmaclaver. The farther the old dominie recedes into the past, the more surely he gathers round him an atmosphere of romance. Numberless are the stories told about his odd and sometimes cantankerous ways, but there can be no doubt that Scotland owes a great debt of gratitude to these parish schoolmasters. Many were men of considerable scholarship and they gave the lad o' pairts an opportunity of developing his powers which, it is safe to say, was not enjoyed by other equally able boys anywhere in Kurope.
Badly paid, sometimes despised, the old-time dominie derived his chief satisfaction from seeing his boys get on in life.
And nothing pleased the latter more than to return to their native village and pay a visit to the old school where, more likely than not, they were paraded before the pupils as a living' example of what brain and industry could achieve.
(From Regional)
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
The New Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Eugene Goossens : Oriental Fantasy, Islamey (Balakirev, arr. Casella)
(Regional Programme. See page 34)