followed by MORNING MUSIC
BBC Midland Light Orchestra Leader, James Hutcheon Conductor. Jack Coles
Johnny Douglas and his Orchestra The music of Jules Ruben and Laurie Steele
Lew Stone and his Sextet BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, 'Paul Fenoulhet
Robin Richmond introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the organ of the Tower Ballroom, Blackpool
Freddie Ballerini and his Sextet
From Wales
'The Swan Gate' by Marion Suckley
Read by T. H. Evana
Thursday's recorded broadcast
Music for your enjoyment with Cyril Chapman (clarinet) and the BBC Welsh Orchestra Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
The Pop Show with the Most featuring
David Ede and the Rabin Band
Ray Pilgrim , Barbara Kay
The Travellers
Arthur Greenslade and the Gee-Men
The Stompers
This week's guests:
Mr. Acker Bilk
Beryl Bryden
Introduced by Diz Disley Produced by TERRY HENEBERY
Today's story: 'The Kittens and the Cream ' by Mrs. A. W. Orchard , told by Julia Lang.
The last programme of the session
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
Showing in Paris: Serena Sinclair, Fashion Editor of the 'Daily Telegraph,' picks autumn trends
Personal Column:
Rene Cutforth
Give Me Your Hand: some aspects of friendship
Other People's Lives: Muriel Dole comments on some recent biographies
Reading Your Letters
A Missing Word: Janet Teissier du Cros reflecting from Paris
An Idea: from Clara Hahn , who is ninety-one
' Mr. Holmes at Sea'
Conrad Voss Bark 's book abridged by Honor Wyatt
Read by Derek Smith
The last instalment
The third, sixth and seventh items arc recorded
Leader, William Reid
Directed by Peter Martin
The Bandoliers directed by Jack Mandel
Script by Robert Turley
and cricket scoreboard
Records for the Young
Introduced by Ken Sykora
with the N.D.O.
Directed by Bernard Herrmann with The Trad Lads
Brad Newman
The Cresters with Malcolm Clark
Introduced by Ray Peters
Produced by Peter PILBEAM
Highlights of a world tour recalled with records by Boyer and Ravel
Produced by Lilian Duff
including news, comment interviews, and racing results
3,000th edition
The last of the present series of stories based on the work of the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia
All for Esmeralda with James McKechnie as Dr. Chris Rogers Bill Kerr as Tommy O'Donnell
Rosemary Miller as Mary West
Bettina Dickson as Sally MacAndrew
Written by Rex Rienits
Production by VERNON HARRIS
A programme in free and easy style, with Michael Holliday and the music of Johnny Pearson and his Orchestra
Produced by John BROWELL
Freddy Grisewood recalls some of the highlights, grave and gay, from the fourteen years' run of this famous discussion programme
Produced by Michael Bowen
An hour of musical entertainment for a summer evening from Leas Cliff Hall Folkestone given by the BBC Concert Orchestra Leader, William Armon
Conductor, Vilem Tausky with Owen Brannigan and Ernest Lush
' Two Men About Music ' and the Folkestone
Halliday Girls' Choir
Conductor, Joan Oxley
The programme includes music by Montague Phillips. Rossini Grieg , and Sullivan
Introduced by John Hobday Produced by JOHN TYLER In association with the Folkestone Corporation
Another look at the old songs by The Bowman-Hyde Singers and Players
Directed by Eric Wilson-Hyde
followed by SPORT and TONIGHT'S TOPIC
invites you to listen to Sidney Bowman and his Orchestra in a programme of old time dance music
Introduced by Benny Lee Master of Ceremonies Stanley Wilson
Produced by REX BURROWS
at the BBC theatre organ