Shipping Forecast
BBC Revue Orchestra (Leader, Antony Gilbert )
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
with Teifion Williams and the Silver Chords Choir
Introduced by Havard Gregory
Musical arrangements and production by Mai Jones
The Sunday Supplement to Woman's Hour
Nine Eights are Ninety: some theories from Kevin FitzGerald
Matters of Tact: Jacqueline Mackenzie invites spontaneous reactions from an Englishman, a Frenchman, and an American to some tricky social situations
Gordon Gow reviews some current films
Mary Ping who is disabled, talks about running a commercial library
'The Big City,' written by Marjorie Riddell , produced by Audrey Cameron , with Geraldine McEwan as Sarah Darnley
Programme introduced by Marjorie Anderson
You are invited to listen to songs and music still sung and played in the British Isles
6— 'I'll Sing You One-O '
Seamus Ennis and Peter Kennedy talk about cumulative songs, and play examples they have collected
With dance and song interludes by The Haymakers
Directed by Peter Kennedy and The Country Maids
Conducted by Sheila Mossman
Edited and introduced by Marie Slocombe
Produced by Harold Rogers
See top of page
BBC Variety Orchestra
(Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet with Robert Simmona
'And the Lord took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to drest it and keep it
Why Work?
1—' The Worker's Job'
Service from the Parish Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Houghton-Ie-Spring, Co. Durham, conducted by Canon C. J. Stranks
247 m. and VHF
' Good Listening '
Some news of current programme
For Service men and women stationed abroad and their families at home
Presented from London and Cologne by Jean Metcalfe and Dennis Scuse
Another in the series of record programmes featuring the pick of popular British bands, orchestras, and instrumentalists
Written by Eddie Maguire
' Egg Bound'
Produced by Peter Eton
with Bruce Trent
The Montmartre Players Directed by Henry Krein and The Sidney Torch Orchestra also ' Musical Stop-Press':
Views on the news by Sagittarius
Introduced by Roy Williams Produced by Edward Nash
Anona Winn, Joy Adamson, Jack Train, and Kenneth Horne ask all the questions and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
A song-a-minute sequence of popular melodies old and new sung by Benny Lee , Julie Dawn
Franklyn Boyd , Jean Campbell
The Keynotes and The Johnston Brothers accompanied by The Steve Race Quartet with Harold Smart
Devised and produced by Johnnie Stewart
Italian dance music and cabaret artists featuring
Carosone and his Quartet and Ugo Calise
Introduced by Marcel Stellman
Programme compiled and edited by Pat Dixon
Franklin Engelmann with a BBC Mobile Recording Unit visits Minehead to meet local people who talk about their lives and jobs and choose their favourite music
Produced by Phyllis Robinson
A play by Rachel Grieve
' You cannot prevent the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can prevent them nesting in your hair'
(Chinese proverb)
The action takes place at Hafod y Wenol. a small hotel in the North Welsh mountains. The time is the present day
Produced by David H. Godfrey
(A new production of the play first broadcast in the Home Service in November, 1952)
A summary of events of the past week
Shipping Forecast
247 m. and VHF
Record Interlude
Jean Pougnet and the Palm Court Orchestra with Victoria Elliott
Community hymn-singing from Cromer Parish Church, Norfolk
Conductor. Norman A. Cutting
Organist. Fred Pointer
Introduced by the Rev. D. T. Dick
0 worship the King (Tune, Old 104th) Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
(Tune, Mannheim)
We plough the fields (Tune, Wir pfliigen)
Christ is our corner-stone (Tune,
At even ere the sun was set (Tune,
For the beauty of the earth (Tune,
Holy Father (Tune, Cairnbrook)
Now the day is over (Tune, Eudoxia)
Introducing an hour of comedy and music for your entertainment with special contributions in honour of Canada Day
To provide the music:
Edmund Hockridge
Joan Turner , Semprini and The Maple Leaf Four
To provide the comedy:
Tony Fayne , David Evans
Harry Worth
Guest star: Robert Beatty The George Mitchell Choir
Augmented BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor. Paul Fenoulhet
Script by Gene Crowley
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston
Familiar hymns and friendly talk
Presented by Robert Crossett
on gramophone records
A programme of melody introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ