followed by MORNING MUSIC
Sid Phillips and his Band
Harold Geller and his Orchestra
The Harold Smart Quartet The Ken Jones Quintet
John Slater
Introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Jimmy Clitheroe In
James—Mr. Piano—Clitheres with Peter Sinclair
Patricia Burke
Leonard Williams
Danny Ross , Diana Day
Tony Melody , Rosalie Williams Monday's recorded broadcast
Ken Beaumont and his Sextet
From Wales
' Louanne ' by Ward Phillips
Read by Brinley Jenkins
Thursday's recorded broadcast
Music for your enjoyment with Dennis Clift (trumpet) and the BBC Welsh Orchestra Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
The show with the most
David Ede introduces and directs
The Rabin Band with Ray Pilgrim Barbara Kay
Michael Redway , The Hound Dogs Arthur Greenslade and the Gee Men Rex Morris and his rockin' tenor
Don Sanford and his groovin' guitar and this week's guest from the world of jazz Bob Willis
A personal look at the world of show business by Jimmy Jacobs
Produced by John Dyaa
Today's story: 'The Hidey Hole' by Mrs. J. Gambrell , toid by Julia Lang.
In Friday Style
Richard Bebb reads the fifth Instalment of ' Imperial Palace ' by Arnold Bennett and Michael Brooke
Introduces items including Reading Your Letters:
Talking of Holidays: for Henrietta Gatehouse , a luxury flat in Cannes
Films to See: reviewed by Isabel Quigly
The Art of Persuasion: Freddy Bloom enquires into this subtle quality
A Favourite Short Story: 'The Reputation of My Grandmother Virginia ' by Charles de Richter , chosen and presented by Antonia Ridge
and meet
John Hughes
(singer with guitar)
The McPeake Trio and the Light Orchestra
Leader, David Adams
Conductor, David Curry
Introduced by Maurice O'Callaghan
BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra Leader, Dennis McConnell Conductor, Jack Leon
Script by Lesley Wilson
Records for the Young introduced by John Hobday
Vince Hill beats in The Cool Spot with Earl Guest, his Group and the Nashville Five
Vocals by Vince Hill, Shirley Jackson Folkals by The Galliards
A daily round of music news, views, and information on all manner of topics
Introduced by John Anthony
Today's record stars include
Joe Henderson
Edmund Hockridge and Nelson Riddle and his Orchestra
Editor, Peter Duncan
Producer, DENYS Jones
including news, comment interviews, and racing result*
Stories based on the work of the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia
The Filibuster with James McKechnie as Dr. Chris Rogers
Bill Kerr as Tommy O'Donnell
Rosemary Miller as Mary West
Bettina Dickson as Sally MacAndrew
Written by Rex Rienits
Production by VERNON HARRIS
Kay Cavendish with her piano and some of her favourite records with the BBC Revue Orchestra Leader, Julien Gaillard
Conducted by Malcolm Lockyer Produced by JOHN HOOPER
500th edition
From the stage of the Camden Theatre, London
Sidney Torch conducts the BBC Concert Orchestra Leader. William Armon
The Bowman-Hyde Singers and Players
Directed by Eric Wilson-Hyde
Band of the Welsh Guards
Conducted by Major F. L. Statham , M.B.E. Director of Music and the voices of Olga Gwynne and John Lawrenson
Introduced by Jon Curie
Produced by Charles BeardsaU
followed by SPORT and TONIGHT'S TOPIC
invites you to listen to
Sidney Bowman and his Orchestra in a programme of old time dance music
Introduced by Benny Lee Master of Ceremonies. Stanley Wilson
Produced by REX BURROWS
at the BBC theatre organ