followed by BRIGHT AND EARLY
The Fairey Band
Conductor, Leonard Lamb
Light Orchestra
Leader, David Adams
Conductor. David Curry
BBC West of England Player* Directed by Peter Martin Southern Serenade
Directed by Lou Whiteson
Albert Marland and his Quartet
John Slater introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
A musical mixture for this day and age with pops and corn for squares and off-beats with Bill Shepherd his Orchestra and Singers including
The Trad-Dads and The Staccatos
Introductions and a song from Michael Cole
Produced by JOHN BROWELL
Ian Stewart and his Quartet
' The Sound of Bassoons' by Charles Webster
Read by Noel Johnson
Script by Lesley Wilson
Wednesday's recorded broadcast
Half an hour with Val Doonican his guitar and the Dennis Wilson Quartet
with his
Twelve O'Clock Spin of popular records
from a cutting tooi manufacturers at Peterhead with Ivor Emmanuel
Jack Milroy
Eileen Keegan
Bobby MacLeod
At the piano, George Thallon Introduced by Glen Michael Produced by EDDIE FRASER
with the BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra Leader, Dennis McConnell
Conductor, Jack Leon and Kathie Kay
A programme for children under five
Today's story: ' Gyp, the Friendly Dog ' by Mrs. L. H. Graham , told by Daphne Oxenford.
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson and including
Secrets of Discipline: Edward Blishen on the track of a school mystery
Out of the News: involving a topic of interest
Talking of Holidays: Rachael Anderson hitch-hiked to Greece
Answering Your Questions
The Ladies' Tug-of-War: described by Wendy Rawson
Richard Bebb reads from
'Imperial Palace' by Arnold Bennett
The fourth of fifteen instalments
Don Moss introduces favourites old and new from stage, screen and hit parade
Produced by Joanna Holies
The Banjoliers directed by Jack Mandel
Script by Lesley Wilson
Records for the Young introduced by John Hobday
Here We Go with the N.D.O. directed by Bernard Herrmann with The Trad Lads
Brad Newman
Dave Berry and the Cruisers Introduced by Ray Peters
Produced by Peter PILBEAM
A daily round of music news, views, and information
Introduced by John Anthony Today's record stars include
Edith Piaf and Michael Holliday BBC Revue Orchestra
Leader, Julien Gaillard
Conducted by Malcolm Lockyer Editor, Peter Duncan
Producer. JOHN Fenton
including news, comment interviews, and racing results
Franklin Engelmann is the chairman of this general knowledge contest, in which listeners from all over the United Kingdom compete for the title ' Brain of Britain 1962 '
13: Northern Ireland (i)
The first panel of contestants representing Northern Ireland is:
Elizabeth Stuart , Belfast Junior Medical Laboratory Technician
Daniel MacLaughlin , Co. Derry Professional man
Lt.-Cmdr. John Thompson , Belfast
Hospital Group Secretary
Samuel Flynn , Co. Derry Departmental Manager
The programme also includes 'Hear! Hear! '
A test of memory for listeners at home and in the audience
The programme devised and written by John P. Wynn
Produced by JOAN CLARK
Professor Jimmy Edwards faces a further fracas at Chiselbury School.
(BBC recording)
(Roy Dotrice broadcasts by permission of the Governors of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon)
Community singing from Worthing with Barbara Sumner (soprano)
Arthur Parkman at the piano and local choirs and their friends
Conducted by Lawrence Adam Master of Ceremonies, Bernard Fishwick
Produced by Brian Patten
A radio correspondence column in which listeners add their comments to some of the views expressed in last Friday's ' Any Questions ? ' from the Grammar School, Lyme Regis, Dorset
Introduced by Freddy Grisewood
Produced by Michael Bowen
Sidney Torch conducts music from the theatres of the world featuring
Doreen Hume
John Hauxvell
William Davies with the New Metropolitan Orchestra Leader. Reginald Leopold and including
Fred Astaire with records
Introduced by Peter King Produced by Edward Nash
An all star session featuring America's
Buddy Greco singing and swinging at the piano with the Johnny Dankworth Orchestra Introduced by Alan Dell
Produced by Terry HRNEBERY
Music in cool style with Yolande Bavan
Produced by Joanna Holies