EBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Eric Jupp and his Players
Cecil Norman and Eddie Macauley at two pianos
At 6.45 on 1,500 m. G.T.S.; Shipping Forecast
News Summary at 7.30
With music by the Steve Race Trio and on gramophone records
Produced by Jack Dabbs
News Summary at 8.30
Cardew Robinson
Introduces your request records
News Summary at 9.30
A story, a hymn. and a prayer
at the BBC theatre organ with Joseph Ward (baritone)
Norman Whiteley and his Sextet
'The Summer of Miss Owens by Denys Val Baker
Read by Betty Hardy
Conductor, Haydn Griffithi
A Continental Cameo with Malou Pantera
Produced by Harold Rogers
From the North of England
BBC Northern Dance Orchestra
Directed by Alyn Ainsworth
Morecambe and Wise, David Galbralth
Johnnv Roadhouse , Sonny Day
Jimmy Leach and Harry Hayward
Introduced by Roger Moffat
Produced by Geoff Lawrence
The show with the most
David Ede and the Rabin Band
Lorie Mann , Colin Day
Ray Pilgrim , The Hound Dogs and featuring
The Grooving Guitar of Don Sanford
Tenors for Two and your Pop requests
Presented by Terry Henebery
(The Rabin Band is appearing at the Wimbledon Palais, London)
News Summary at 1.30
Shipping Forecast at 1.10 on 1.500 ra.
Nursery rhymes, stories, music for children under five
Today's story: Lulupet and Toffee' by Jane Alan , told by Dorothy Smith.
Dorothy Smith introduces the programmes this week
Extraordinary Club: Jack Sturton talks about his launderette
As Others See Us: a foreign journalist's view of British news Table Talk: In discussion: Mary Stocks, Pamela Frankau, and Ba Mason. Their talking point: Jealousy
Answering Your Questions
Locum Tenens: Dorothy Farnsworth describes an exchange from town to country vicarage during the holidays
Serial: 'A Small Wilderness' by Margaret Summerton
The eighth of twelve instalments
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
News Summary at 2.30
Old tunes In new settings played by the BBC
West of England Light Orchestra
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor. Frank Cantell
News Summary at 3.30
Lou Preager and his Orchestra
Repeated on Tuesday at 11.15 a.m.
Productions by Betty Davies and Keri Lewis
(: see page 31)
A programme of request tunes with a memory played in strict tempo by the Victor Silvester
Ballroom Orchestra
Produced by David Miller
News, views, and music
Monday edition
Introduced by John Ellison
Special features:
Sweet Music with Ian Stewart
Dudley Perkins asks
Can I Help
Yout Desmond Carrington presents
The Singing Screen
6.29 Weather and News Headlines followed by Tonight's Topic
BBC Revue Orchestra
(Leader, Julien Gaillard )
Conductor, Harry Rabinowit *
Produced by Peter Duncan
Shipping Forecast at 5.58 on 1,500 m.
Written by Edward J. Mason and Geoffrey Webb.
A story of country folk.
An adventure In the conquest of space by B. D. Chapman
3—' The Master Plan'
Production by Charles Maxwell
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
From a Cliff Butter promotion
Tony Webster v. Dave Chandler
(Norwich) (Battersea)
A six-round lightweight contest
Commentary from the ringside by Harry Carpenter , with inter-round summaries by W. Barrington Dalby
From the Hippodrome,
Great Yarmouth
presents his weekly
Bobby Pratt
Eddie Blair
Johnny Hawksworth
The Henry McKenzie Quartet and also presents your record requests
Produced by John Hooper
A Monday-evening rendezvous
Mine host, Peter King
Resident members:
The Ray Ellington Quartet
Valerie Masters
Carl Barriteau
The Dave Lee Quartet
Don Rennie and Don Lang and the Frantic Five with Red Price
This week's visitor:
Bob Cort
Produced by John Kingdon
News Summary at 11.30
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m.