BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Sid Phillips and his Band
Malcolm Lockyer and Dennis Wilson at two pianos
News Summary at 7.30 and 8.30
Introduced by Sam Heppner
News Summary at 9.30
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Conductor,C. A. Waters
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
1 Postman's Knock ' by Michael Gareth Llewellyn
Read by Garard Green
at the BBC theatre organ
with records for your midday mood
from a hosiery factory in Nottingham
Charles Smitton , Alan Fenn
' Terry Toby Jug Cantor '
Chic Murray and Maidie
Harry Engleman , Vic Mortiboys , Bob Mansell (piano, string-bass, drums)
Introduced by Richard Maddock
Produced by James Pestridge
Oscar Rabin and his Orchestra
Directed by David Ede with Mel Gaynor , Lorie Mann
Johnny Worth introducing
' Rabin Remembers'
Three Men and a Mann
' Solo Spot'
. News Summary at 1.30
Shipping Forecast at 1.40 on 1,500 m.
Today's story: 'Little Chicken's Breakfast ' bv Sybil Norman , told by Dorothy Smith.
Opportunities Missed?: Some reflections from Diana Graves.
Reading Your Letters: expressing listeners' points of view
Suitable for the Purpose: A barrister explains the importance of making quite clear, at the time of buying goods and services, exactly what you want them for
I Conquered Fear: Elizabeth Anderson tells how she had an operation for breast cancer, and Dr. John Burton adds a postscript
House to House: A series in which Jean Metcalfe goes visiting with a tape recorder. 4-At the home of Kenneth More Serial: 'The Hidden Face' by Victor Canning
Abridged by P. J. R. Wright
Read by John Westbrook
The seventh of twelve instalments
Programme introduced by Marjorie Anderson
News Summary at 2.30
A programme of dance music with Les Howard and the BBC Northern Dance Orchestra
Conducted by Alyn Ainsworth
Presented by Geoffrey Wheeler
News Summary at 3.30
Band of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Conducted by Capt. 0.
Birkin Director of Music
The Majestic Orchestra
Conducted by Lou Whiteson
The Marimberos
Directed by Ronald Hanmer and George Brown
with Ken Kirkham , Peter Morton
Joan Baxter and Andrew Reavley
Cliff Townshend and his Singing Saxophone and the Dixieland Group
Produced by John Burnaby
News Summary at 6.30
Written by Geoffrey Webb and Edward J. Mason.
A story of country folk.
visits St. Davids in the extreme west of Wales: smallest cathedral city in the Kingdom, traditionally founded by St. David himself with Mabel at 'The Table' and Harry Hudson at the piano
Presented by Stephen Williams
Written by Alan Simpson and Ray Galton featuring
Sidney James
Bill Kerr , Hattie Jacques and Kenneth Williams
Produced by Tom Ronald
Music in all directions
Introduced by John Hobday with Maria Perilli
The Linden Singers
Conductor, William Llewellyn and the BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, William Armon )
Conductor. Vilem Tausky
Produced by Charles Beardsall
True stories of the world we live in 13—' A HOUSE OF THEIR OWN '
The story of two girls from the West Indies who came to London and were faced with two problems-getting regular work and accommodation they could afford. The first problem solved, they tackled the second in a novel way and are now the proud owners of a house in Brixton.
Script by Margaret Hotine
Production by Joe Burroughs
A choice of gramophone records for the family circle
You are invited to dance to the music of Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra featuring all that is best in ballroom dancing
Produced by David Miller
The Montmartre Players Directed by Henry Krein with Julie Dawn and Sidney Bright at the piano
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m. only