BBC Welsh Orchestra
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
The Marimberos
Directed by Ronald Hanmer
Marcel Gardner and his Orchestra
At 7.30 and 8.30
At 7.45 on 1,500 m. only
Shipping Forecast
Introduced by Robin Richmond at 9.30 app. Anne Wild gives today's Shopping Flash
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the BBC theatre organ
Bill Savill and his Orchestra
From East Anglia ' Cousin Belinda' by George Ewart Evans
Read by Peter Tuddenham
Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
' Pee Wee ' Hunt and his
Twelfth Street Rag Orchestra
Introduced by Harold Rogers
Played by Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
Introduced by Victor Silvester
BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
Conductor, Frank Cantell
A programme for children under five
Today's story: ' A Bed in a Boot' by Mary Cockett , told by Daphne Oxenford
Guest of the Week: Isobel Baillie , C.B.E .
My Home is inMalaya: Mrs. Kathleen Clark introduces herself
Reading Your Letters: expressing the listener's point of view
Everyone Else is So Efficient: a talk by Doreen Brisland , a married school teacher
Dudley Perkins describes some recent cases in the English courts which he thinks may be of special interest to Woman's Hour listeners
Serial: ' Anna Karenina ' by Leo Tolstoy
Read by Sir Donald Wolfit
Part 8
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
and his Samba Orchestra with Claudo. Lopez , and Roberto
The Regent Orchestra
Conducted by John Thorpe
' Forest Paths ' by Norah Burke
Read by Roger Delgado
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Margaret Barton (piano)
played by the London Studio Players with the Singers
Conducted by Reginald Kilbey and William Davies at the theatre organ
Shipping Forecast at 5.58 on 1,500 m. only
Music for Moderns on gramophone records
A story of country folk.
with Ronald Chesney
June Salter
Wendy Blacklock
Reg Quartley
Reg Goldsworthy
Ray Barrett
Sir Donald Bradman
Script by Ronald Wolfe and Hugh Stuckey
ABC Dance Band
Produced-in Australia by Harry Pringle
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train and Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
Presented by C. F. Meehan
A serial in four parts
Adapted by Giles Cooper from the novel by Dorothy L. Sayers
3 — ' Lord Peter is called Wrong '
Bell-ringing under the direction of H. N. Pitstow. M.E.E ., Conductor of the Westminster Abbey Bellringers
Produced by Norman Wright
Tommy Reilly
Frank Clark (bass)
Bert Weedon (guitar)
Ken Jones (piano)
Presented by John Simmonds
Artists from the seaside who are in town for the day with Max Miller
The Hedley Ward Trio
Jimmy Gay
Kenneth Macdonald
(Continued in next column)
Harry Engleman Paddy Edwards
The George Mitchell Singers
Compere, Franklin Engelmann
BBC Revue Orchestra
(Leader, Antony Gilbert )
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz Produced by Charles Chilton
to invite you to listen ' Just for a While' to
Old-Time Dance Music with Sidney Bowman and his Orchestra
Produced by Rex Burrows
' Summer Wedding ' by Barbara Henderson
Read by Peter Claughton
in which Jack Payne introduces popular gramophone records from here, there, and everywhere
Produced by Denys Jones
Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m. only