Stanley Black and the Dance Orchestra
Introduced by C. Gordon Glover and Eric Simms with recordings
Programme edited by Eric Simms
Produced by Bernard Lyons
Bernard Wetherall gives practical advice on the many jobs that arise from time to time in the house and garden
First of a series of weekly talks
A weekly radio magazine for young listeners
Edited and produced by Lionel Gamlin
Report in Rhythm
Billy Mayerl and the Fleeting Footnotes send their latest musical greetings
Bird of the Month
Eric Simms gives his fifth and last close-up snapshot of a British bird 'in the news ' at this time
Today: The Starting
A Girl I Know ...
Rose-Mary Sands introduces you to another of her friends who has found herself an interesting job
Today: Moya Rowsome
Gramophone record saleswoman
Autograph Album
In the ' Hullo There' autograph album you find signatures of every kind-personal, musical, and dramatic
Today's signature:
Stephen Garrett (architect)
Look Before You Leap
A new adventure series by Geoffrey Morgan
The Conway Cousins tell you about some recent adventures, and want to know what you would have done in the same circumstances!
1—' Sharp Shooting '
Foden's Motor Works Band
Conductor, Fred Mortimer
Francis Collinson introduces a weekly programme of songs from his notebook
Rita McKerrow (soprano)
Robert Irwin (baritone)
BBC Singers (Men's voices)
Wynford Reynolds Sextet
Produced by Maurice Brown
at Wiveliscombe, Somerset
Questions submitted by listeners are discussed by John Kendall-Carpenter
Rugby international
Denzil Batchelor sport journalist and critic
Peter West cricket and Rugby commentator and John Foot speaking from the spectators' point of view
Chairman, Alan Gibson
'Come, ye thankful people, come,
Raise the song of harvest home'
Harvest Thanksgiving from the ancient Parish Church of Astbury, Cheshire
Conducted by the Rector, the Venerable John Tyler Whittle, Archdeacon of Macclesfield
Organist. W. Dent
(Photograph on page 7)
From London, tunes you have asked us to play. From Germany, tunes that make them think of you
In London: Jean Metcalfe
In Hamburg: Christopher Howland
with Alan Breeze and Doreen Stephens
Script by Clem Bernard Produced by Glyn Jone. «
with Pegi Edwards
The Cardiff Snowflakes Choir
BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway)
Conducted by Arwel Hughes Produced by Mai Jones
Highlights of the Show World
Records of Sid Field, Anny Ahlers , Albert Sandler , and Melville Gideon
with a BBC mobile recording unit to interview men and women of the Pontypridd district, and to invite them to choose their favourite music
Produced by Gordon Williams
Arnold Bennett's novel adapted as a serial in six parts by Evelyn Russell
1—' A Change of Air
Other parts played by Arnold Peters and Aubrey Richins
Produced by William Hughes
A new series of weekly talks by Alan Melville about recently published books that he has enjoyed, introducing dramatised illustrations acted by : Olwen Brookes , Olive Kirby
Mary O'Farrell , Robert Farquharson
John Glen , Colin Gordon
Arthur Lawrence , David Poulson
Ivan Samson , Frank Tickle
with the Augmented Dance Orchestra conducted by Stanley Black
Devised and written by Sid Colin
Produced by Roy Speer
London v. The Midlands: 6
London: Hubert Phillips, Cedric Cliffe
Quiz-Master: Lionel Hale
The Midlands: H. E. Howard, Thomas Bodkin
Quiz-Master: Gilbert Harding
by Warwick Deeping
Dramatised as a serial In nine parts by John Watt
Part 9: 'Conclusion'
Music composed by Henry Reed and plaved by a section of the BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Rae Jenkins
Produced by Ayton Whitaker
A summary of events of the past week
Tom Jenkins and the Palm Court Orchestra with Leon Goossens (oboe) and Gwen Catley (soprano)
Community hymn-singing from the Hall of Victoria College, Jersey, Channel Islands
Forth in thy name, O Lord I go (Tune: Angel's Song)
City of God (Tune: Richmond)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Tune: Repton)
Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Tune: Lasst uns erfretten)
Praise to the Lord the Almighty
(Tune: Hast du denn, Jesu)
Thy hand, O God, has guided (Tune: Thornbury)
They come, God's messengers of love (Tune: St. Crispin)
Ye holy angels bright (Tune: Darwall's 148th)
Introduced by the Headmaster, R. Postill
Director of Music: N. W. Blake
with Bernard Miles this week's resident comedian
The Peter Knight Singers
Stan Stennett
George Williams
Rawicz and Landauer
Billy Ternent
Frankie Howerd
Woolf Phillips and the Skyrockets Orchestra
Produced by Bill Worsley
at the piano
Christian hymns their music, qnd their meaning
Praise. 0 praise our God and Kmg
(Tune. Monkland) *
God whose farm is all creation (Tune:
Hear us. 0 Lord (Tune: Peel Castle) Bread of the world, in mercy broken
(Tune: Rendez a Dieu)
A programme of melody introduced and played by S*ndy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
A programme for listeners who don't scare easily. Presented with gramophone records by the Armchair Detective. Ernest Dudley
directed by Sidney Crooke