Gilbert Harding introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Bobby Pagan at the BBC theatre organ
The Richard Crean Orchestra
'Opportunity Knocks' by T. A. Lowe
Read by David Enders
Franik Cantell
Introduces music for mid-morning played under his direction by the BBC Weslt of England'
Light Orchestra
(Leader, Frederick Lunmon )
Music by Phil Cardew 's Cornhuskers with the Four Aces and the. Hoedowners
Produced by David MMler
on gramophone records
from a mill canteen in Bradford
with Suzette Tarri, Mackenzie Reid and Dorothy, Mark Pasquin, Sid Walton
Fred Harries at the piano
at the BBC theatre organ
A summer holiday magazine
Edited and produced by Lionel Gamlin
Strange Goings-On
A fortnightly mystery corner
Today : Privateers
Aubrey Feist tells you about dtirty work at sea in the bad old days
I Haven't a Clue
Robert Fabian (Fabian of the Yard) invites you to join him in a new defective game devised by Bertie Chapman
Today :
The Case of the Missing Puppy
A programme for children under five
Nursery rhymes, stories, and music
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, Charles Groves
Louis Stevens and his Quintet and Eliton Hayes
Primo Soala and his Accordion Band
Conducted by Major A. Lemoine
Director of Music
Robert Easton (bass)
David Lloyd James looks through the BBC Recorded Programmes Diary of the last twenty years and invites you to listen again to some of the outstanding broadcasts that have taken place during this week in previous years
Produced by Philip Treleaven
and hds Orchestra with Jimmy Miller
A fortnightly programme from the countryside
Introduced by Brian Vesey-FitzGerald
Sound pictures by Ludwig Koch Contributors include a Cheshire farmer, a well-known Lakeland rock climber, a Lancashire shepherd, and Peter Scott and Johnny Morris
Written by Geoffrey Webb and Edward J. Mason.
A story of country folk.
including cricket close of play scores
Tunes you have asked us to play
by Edward J. Mason
[Starring] Jack Hulbert
(BBC recording)
A musical entertainment by Claudio Arrau (piano)
John Francis (flute) Joy Boughton (oboe)
Manoug Parikian (violin)
Hans Geiger (violin) Bernard Davis (viola)
Ambrose Gaunitlett (cello)
Programme arranged by Basil Douglas
A light-hearted blend of comedy and music including
Jack Barker and Daphne Barker
Noble and King
Doreen Harris in ' The Naughty Nineties ' with the Bar-Room Ballad Four
' Eager Beavers '
An improbable series of adventures featuring
Rhapsody at Random
You call the tunes and composers' styles
Peggy Cochrane gives her impromptu interpretations
Weddling Anniversary
Derek Roy interviews married couples who choose their favourite song and singer
This week's guests:
Avril Angers , Ken Platt
The Sam Browne Singers
Stanley Black and the augmented Dance Orchestra
Script by Railph Peterson , John Law
Bill Craig , and John Vyvyan
Produced by Roy Speer
The Sydney Thompson
OkJ-Tyime Dance Orchestra
Produced by Glyn Jones
* The Consul at Sunset' by Gerald Hanley
Reader, Colin Gordon
9—' A Nice Way to Take Over'
Andrew Fenner a.t the organ of the Regal, Kingston-on-Thames