at the piano
Johnny Denis and his Ranchers with Fred (Panhandle) Yule
Graham Bailey (Willy) and Netta Rogers
Script by David Cllmie Produced by Glyn Jones
The Henry Krein Quartet
C.W.S. (Manchester) Band
Conducted by Eric Ball
Music of the sunny south played by tha
Southern Serenade Orchestra directed by Lou Whiteson with Jan Muzurus (baritone)
Ken Mackintosh and his Orchestra with Irene Miller
Kenny Bardell
The Sam Browne Singers and the Ray Hartley Trio
Produced by David Miller
'On this rock I will build my Church and the gate of hell shall not prevail against it'
The Christian Faith for Everyman
Service from Cyfarthfa Parish Church, Merthyr Tydfil. Conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. Stanley Mogford
From London, the tunes you have asked us to play. From Germany, the tunes that make them think of you
In London, Jean Metcalfe
In Hamburg,
Christopher Howland
Highlights of the Show World
(Shortened version of last Wednesday's broadcast in the Home Service)
Eamonn Andrews , with a BBC mobile recording unit, welcomes to London people from home and overseas who are here during the Festival of Britain
Produced by Phyllis Robinson
Interviewed by Christopher Stone with Louis Voss and his Orchestra
Producer, Stanton Jefferies
A programme of combined and solo singing by sections of the London Girls' Choir
Conducted by Ronald Victor Cawthorne
Hastings Girls ' Choir
Conducted by A. Edmund Niblett
Eastbourne Girls' Choir
Conducted by Edith Pearson
High Wycombe Girls' Choir Conducted by James Brewer
The massed items accompanied by the BBC Revue Orchestra with Charles Smart at the organ
Conducted by Leslie Woodgate
Programme arranged by Michael North
A musical drama of the west
Episode 7
with Alan Keith and Guy Kingsley Poynter
Music by the Four Ramblers
Freddie Phillips and the Sons of the Saddle led by Jack Fallon
Written and produced by Charles Chilton
with a BBC mobile recording unit to interview ten men and women of the North Staffordshire district, and to invite them to choose their favourite music
Produced by Gordon Williams
Scenes from plays now running in London
Introduced by Christopher Hassall Jeanne de Oasalis , George Thorpe and Ernest Clark in 'The Hollow' by Agatha Christie
Now at the Fortune Theatre
Presented by Peter Saunders
Staige production by Hubert Gregg
Edited by Frederick Bradnum and Ayton Whitaker
Britain v. U.S.A. Britain:
Denis Brogan , Jack Morpurgo
Quiz-Master, Lionel Hale
Professor Irwin Edman
John Mason Brown
Quiz-Master, Alistair Cooke
with Alan Breeze
Doreen Stephens , Clem Bernard
A summary of events of the past week
Tom Jenkins and'the Palm Court Orchestra with Rene Soames (tenor)
Comunity hymn-singing from the Roytal Hospital School, Holibrook, Ipswich, Suffolk
Conductor, William W. Johnson
Organist, Neville Bartleet
Hymns introduced by the Rev. Julian Newman , R.N.
Eternal Father, strong to save (Tune,
He who would valiant be (Tune,
Monk's Gate)
Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown (Tune, Margaret)
Onward, Christian soldiers (Tune,
St. Gertrude)
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
(Tune, Mannheim)
God that madest earth and heaven
(Tun.e, Ar Hyd Y Nos)
Thy hand. 0 God. hast guided (Tune,
The day thou gavesit. Lord, is ended
(Tune. St. Clement)
Ted Ray introduces a programme for Services everywhere
Nadia Gray
Bernard Braden
.and a sporting celebrity
The Forces try to stump
Leslie Welch , the Memory Man
Carole Carr sings songs of the Servicemen's choice
You've Asked For It
Bringing sounds for Servicemen overseas to remind them of home
The Stargazers
The George Mitchell Choir
Geraldo and his Concert Orchestra
Script by Bob Monkhouse and Denis Goodwin
Produced by Leslie Brldgmont and Frank Hooper
at the piano
Christian hymns, their music and their meaning
My spirit longs for thee (Tune,
0 God of mercy. God of might (Tune,
ALpiighty Father of all things that be
Tune. Chilton Fculiat)
A programme of melody introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ