Market trends, news, weather
Thursday's 'Ten to Eight'
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time look at life around the country and across the world
Introduced by ROBERT HUDSON
Prayer and Meditation
Led by Fr. Cyril Trueman, S.M.
and Programme News
Alleluia, sing to Jesus (Tune,
Interlude: Wonder, Part 1
0 praise ye the Lord! (Tune,
Laudate Dominum (BBC Supplement) )
Interlude: Wonder, Part 2
Prayers with response (4) Blessing
Wednesday's broadcast
A monthly programme reflecting life in the country with a Natural History contribution by ERIC SIMMS
Introduced by C. Gordon GLOVER
Produced by Arthur Phillips
Compiled and introduced by Raymond Escoffey
French for Sixth Forms series
Nick-nock padlock
6: Giant Reptiles rule the World
Written by Henry Marshall
American Political Institutions
6: The People versus the Pressure Groups by NORMAN HUNT
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Thursday's broadcast (Light)
Story: ' The Little Car Tales:
Part 3:." A Cold Day " ' by Leila Berg
The Little Old Man
Who Lived Down a Well by LAURA RICHARDS
The House That Suits You Will Not Suit Me by DIANA Ross
Let's Join In series
5: Conflict with Society
Script by Margaret E. Rose
Christian Focus series
A Russian fairy tale adapted for broadcasting by Leila Davies
The Wizard of the Dark Mountains bewitches a kingdom
Stories and Rhymes series
Social Work in Action
A series of twenty programmes on the nature and trends of social work in Britain
4: Welfare and the Community A look at the services provided by a County Welfare Department in the fields of community and residential care, and some of the links between the work of its officers and that of social workers in other fields.
Contributors include D. A. SCHOFIELD
County Welfare Officer for West Sussex
Introduced by DAVID HOBMAN
Produced by Dennis Simmons Social Work in Action is intended to be of special interest to those thinking of entering or returning to social work.
in which listeners add their comments to some of the views expressed in last Friday's Any Questions?
A radio correspondence column
Thursday's broadcast (Light)
During the past week sixteen countries in Europe, including Britain, have been raising funds to help a million men, women, and children made homeless by recent political changes in Asia and Africa
This programme tells what has been happening in the campaign and the work now in progress all over the world which it is to help. Starvation has to be prevented. health restored, and safeguarded, and then, the biggest task of all, the refugees have to be provided with new homes and means of a permanent livelihood —all this for a million people.
A magazine of interest to all, with older listeners specially in mind. including:
The Campbells are Coming:
MAY C. JENKINS wonders if her efforts to replan her home for the benefit of visitors are really necessary
Power from the North:
JOHN MACKAY tells how the inspiration to compose the above pipe tune for a ceremony at Dounreay came as he was tending his sheep on the Sutherland hills
A Pennyworth o' Toughers:
CHRISTINA BROWN looks back at seventy-five years of village life in Eaglesham, near Glasgow tTurning Back the Clocks: a look at how the time change is made in the BBC's External Service, which broadcasts to the world in English and forty languages for some ninety-five hours each day
An Hour in Time Saves....:
ERNEST MARWICK feels the effect of fifty years of daylight saving in Orkney, and also talks with ROBERT THOMPSON , a retired lamplighter from St. Margaret's Hope
Introduced by HOWARD LOCKHART from Scotland
Bandaberry by Laurence Meynell adapted by NAN MACDONALD
1: The Importance of having
Red Hair
Produced by TREVOR HILL
Broadcast on November 29. 1961
and Programme News
conducts the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
Part 1: Beethoven
Symphony No. 6, in F major
See facing page
tDuring this summer
PETER DUVAL SMITH visited sixteen countries in Europe, from Finland in Spain. Back in London he considers the lessons of his journey
Part 2: Debussy
Prélude a l'apres-midi d'un faune
9.3* Symphonic Sketches: La mer
Recording made available by courtesy of the Netherlands Radio Union
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
followed by News-Stand
How the dailies have handled the week's news, the opinions they have expressed, and current trends in and out of Fleet Street are analysed by Walter Taplin
A journalist from abroad takes a look at Great Britain this week
STAN KENTON AND his ORCHESTRA and others en gramophone records