Market trends, news, weather
Wednesday's 'Ten to Eight'
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time look at life around the country and across the world
Introduced by ROBERT HUDSON
Private Collection
† ALAN MELVILLE with a brief anthology
and Programme News
1: Numerals by JAMES HAWTHORNE
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
Tuesday's broadcast
New Every Morning, page 96
Christ for the world we sing
(BBC H.B. 172)
Psalm 29
Isaiah 42, vv. 1-9
Rejoice, 0 people, in the mounting years (BBC H.B. 181)
John James
Chairman of the John James Group of Companies answers questions from
SONYA CALLINGHAM and Leslie Smith about his career as a businessman. which began in 1947 when he bought the first of the 300 radio and television shops that he eventually sold out to Firth Cleveland in 1959 for several million pounds.
Broadcast on January 21
Introduced by JOHN CAMBURN
Written and produced by Jenyth Worsley
Geography series
Practice in musical activities begun in the Music Workshop
Written and produced by William Murphy
from the BBC Sound Archives
T. S. Eliot , O.M.
Introduced by LESLIE PEROWNE
The News
Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Introduced by WILLIAM DAVIS
Wednesday's broadcast (Light)
Today's story:
' The Bundles in a Boat ' by Ursula Hourihane
by Hans Andersen adapted by Moira Doolan
A fable about finding yourself Living Language series
Written by Margaret J. Miller
Stories from British History series
The Davis Cup
See top of page
Sunday's broadcast
A magazine of interest to all, with older listeners specially in mind, including:
The Black Madonna :
JAMES McNEisH visits the national shrine where Polish pilgrims are gathering to celebrate a thousand years of Christianity
Maypole and Queen-with a difference: RUTH GUNSTONE describes how, as a child moving from country to coast, she became a missionary for May Day revels-and with what result!
Fiesta: WILLIAM Cox-Ife describes a musical evening out in Barcelona
Your letters
You asked us to play record requests
Introduced by STEVE RACE
King Solomon's Mines by H. Rider Haggard adapted as a serial reading in eight parts by Brian Miller The search for Sir Henry's lost brother in the African interior leads Quatermain and his friends to the middle of the great desert, from which there seems no escape from death by lack of water.
Part 3: Water! Water!
Produced by BRIAN MILLER
and Programme News
Led by Garfield Phillips
Coronary artery disease is one of the commonest causes of death in the Western world today. In this programme doctors working on the problems of this modern plague discuss what has been discovered so far and what each of us should know about it.
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by LISTENING POST
ANNE ALLEN introduces this evening's edition of a series designed to reflect listeners' own views on current topics. Letters on public affairs and issues of policy are specially welcome