Market trends, news, weather
Thursday's 'Ten to Eight'
and programme News
The morning magazine
Introduced by JACK DE MANIO
Prayer and meditation
and Programme News
Introductory music
Hark the glad sound (Tune,
Interlude: The Coming of Christ
The Prayer of Dedication
The Blessing
Closing music
Wednesday's Service
We make decisions every day, but sometimes we are brought to a halt by a problem so serious that any decision we make must change our lives
ARTHUR CALDER-MARSHALL and C R. HEWITT listen to some real-life problems of this kind and consider the advice they would have offered.
First of a new Feries cf four programmes
Barbarians and Philistinesf
A reassessment of the British as art-lovers by GILBERT PHELPS
Produced by Leslie Perowne
A-BBC World Service production
The novel by John Masefield dramatised for radio by JOHN KEIR CROSS with Trader Faulkner
PART 5: With half a crew and the men exhausted, young Cruiser Trewsbury heads The Bird of Dawning towards the Channel in the last desperate lap of the China tea race.
Produced by JOHN GIBSON
Broadcast on June 25
Cast for the week:
Any Questionsf
A Doctor answers questions sent in by schools
with the HENRY MANCINI CHORUS on gramophone records
JIMMY HANLEY and a scrapbook of memories....
Today, of Australia
Produced by John Powell Broadcast on August 31
GALE PEDRICK makes a personal selection of items from the many broadcasts on BBC radio and television during the past seven days
Introduced by JOHN ELLISON
and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Thursday's broadcast (Light)
for children under five
Today's story:
' The Doll's House 'by JOYCE STANLEY
Gramophone records of French light music with L'ORCHESTRE Musette DE LA RUE DE LAPPE and EDITH Piaf
Second hearings of three enquiries by FRANK BOUGH 1: Aircraft Noise
What causes the noise from an aeroplane? How can its effects be reduced?
Broadcast on September 16
The doctor and politician talks about his life, work, and opinions with TONY VAN DEN BERGH
A radio correspondence column in which listeners add their comments to some of the views expressed in last Friday's Any Questionsf
Thursday's broadcast (Light)
Catherine Dickens
An account of the tragic marriage of Catherine Hogarth to Charles Dickens written and narrated by Thea Holme with Others taking part:
Pamela Binns , Barbara Mitchell Pauline Wynn , Jon Farrell
Douglas Hankin , Denys Hawthorne Bill Horsley
A magazine of interest to all, with older listeners specially in mind, including:
The Looking-glass: a ghost story by H. M. Slade , read by CONSTANCE CHAPMAN
Bees for Export: TOM SALMON talks to BROTHER ADAM about his work at Buckfast Abbey Apiaries in Devon
Christmas Recollections:
MARGARET ROWLING looks back to the 1920s at St. Ives. Cornwall
Recorder Solitaire:
MARGARET ROACH talks about recorders and takes pleasure in playing some
Introduced by RALPH WIGHTMAN From the West of England
Oak, Ash, and Thorn
The Puck of Pook's Hill stories by Rudyard Kipling dramatised by A. R. RAWLINSON
1: Weland's Sword
The People of the Hills have all left. I saw them come into Old England and 1 saw them go. I came into England with Oak. Ash, and Thorn, and when Oak, Ash, and Thorn are gone I shall go too.
Produced by DAVID DAVIS
and Programme News
Royal Liverpool
Philharmonic Orchestra
Leader, Peter Mountain Conductor,
Charles Groves
Part 1: Rawsthorne and Britten
John Wyatt is Head Warden of the Lake District National Park, and his talk concerns a young fawn which was brought to him and which he reared.
Part 2: Brahms Symphony No. 1, In C minor
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by NEWS-STAND
How the dailies have handled the week's news, the opinions they have expressed, and current trends in and out of Fleet Street, are analysed by ROBERT EDWARDS
A journalist from abroad takes a look at Great Britain this week
THE NEW ORLEANS WANDERERS and BOOTBLACKS and others on gramophone records