News, market trends, and current topics
Monday's 7.50 talk
and Programme Newt
The morning magazine
Introduced by JACK DE MANIO
Cyril Smith , the pianist, talks about the conquest of disability with The REV. W. W. SIMPSON
and Programme News
Regional Variations (2)
Good Morning, Wales!: magazine
Second edition
PAUL MARTIN looks back on 1933 A Sound Archives production
Cook Jenny Ball talks to LEIGH Crutchley about her career as a cook and the unique business venture which has arisen out of it
Regional Variations (2)
Interlude: Service for Primary Schools
Neilson Taylor (baritone)
Frederick STONE (piano)
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Scottish History
A programme of talk, questions, sounds, and stories
Today's subject: River
Speaker, GRAHAM Jones
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Service
New Every Morning, page 83
Lord, thy word abideth (BBC
H.B. 190)
Psalm 50
St. John 9, vv. 13-25
0 for a thousand tongues to sing (BBC H.B. 278)
Présenté par
Francoise et Andre1
Avec JAN Rosol et sa guitare
Early Stages in French series
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Stories from Welsh History
Stage 1 by RACHEL Percival
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
Repeated Thursday, 9.55 a.m.
Regional Variations (4)
Schools: Today and Yesterday
Schools: Scotland in the Modern World
Welsh Schools: Story and Fable
with Derek Parker to voices from the past
A Sound Archives production
A Study in Presentation
The Heart of the Problem-2
Speaker, Christopher Driver
Sixth Form series. The Christian Religion and its Philosophy
Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conducted by ARWEL HUGHES
and Programme News
Regional Variations (3)
News in Welsh
Record requests
Every Tuesday top musical stars are joined by some of their favourite artists for a sparkling half-hour
Today's star hostess:
Viera and her guests: Leslie Crowther
Rawicz and Landauer with THE CLIFF ADAMS SINGERS and the BBC VARIETY Orchestra Leader, John Jezard
Conductor, PAUL Fenoulhet
Continuity by Alistair Foot
Produced by TRAFFORD Whitelock
Repeated on Wednesday at 7.31 (Light)
Leslie Crowther is in ' The Black and White Minstrel Show at the Victoria Palace, London. followed by an interlude
For children under five
Today's story:
' A Fire to Put Out ' by Eileen MATHIAS
How the Trojan War ended 1180 B.C.
Written by Duncan Taylor
Stories from World History series
After the Battle of Crecy, Edward III prepared to starve Calais into submission, since its defences were too strong for his army. Queen Philippa saved the inhabitants from the usual fate of captured cities.
Written by Margaret J. Miller History Work Units series
The third in a series of talks by GORDON REYNOLDS
Adventures in Music series
Fourth of thirteen programmes
The Three Sailors by Thackeray
The Jackdaw of Rheims from the Ingoldsby Legends by R. H. Barham
Sunday's broadcast
by William Makepeace Thackeray
Dramatised as a serial in thirteen episodes by HOWARD AGG
4: The House in Fitzroy Square
Sunday's broadcast
BBC SCOTTISH ORCHESTRA Leader, Trevor Williams
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
A magazine of interest to all, with older listeners specially in mind, including:
Trouble shooter: Ex-Group
Captain FRANK Gomershall describes how they dealt with a boffin
Silver lining: Catherine KING on her travels from Australia stays with some Hindus tLand in trust: MICHAEL BARTON talks to some Lake District Warden cadets
Your letters
Introduced by POLLY ELWES
Regional Variations (3)
Cystadleuaeth Holi: General Knowledge Quiz
Nature Scrapbook
Your questions answered by L. Hugh Newman
ERIC Ennion
Chairman, DEREK MCCULLOCH (Uncle Mac)
Questions should be sent to: Nature Parliament, BBC. Broadcasting House. Bristol. 8.
and Programme News
Regional Variations (7)
News. Round-up
News. Stock Market Reports. News in Welsh
Voice of the North
News. Sport
In the region today-news, comment, controversy
Regional Variations (3)
Interlude: records
Interlude. Question Time
Can you help the Police or can they help you?
Get there with PETER MARTIN and the BBC WEST OF ENGLAND PLAYERS Leader, William Reid
Question Time
See top of page and page 35
Introduced by ROBERT IRWIN
BBC Northern ORCHESTRA Leader, Reginald Stead
Before an invited audience in The Town Hall, Huddersfield
October 16: Introduced by Deryck Cooke. Alan Loveday (violin): BBC Welsh Orchestra, conducted by Alberto Bolet i
A weekly programme of information and ideas concerning the care of children
The Handicapped Child
Three conversations about some current trends in medical and social thinking
1: The mentally retarded child
Senior Medical Officer,
Middlesex County Council
Director of Research, Fountain Unit, Queen Mary's Hospital for Children, Carshalton
JACK Tizard,
Professor of Child Development in the Institute of Education, University of London with SIR ALAN Moncrieff ,
Professor of Child Health in the University of London and Physician to the Hospital for Sick Children, Gt. Ormond Street as participating chairman
Regional Variations (4)
Songs and piano music
Folk Sons Programme
Mais y Lienor: literary 1 lagaxine
Gramophone records introduced by VLADIMIR RODZIANKO
Regional Variations (3)
Junior Concert of the National Mod
David Brown talks to Brian Blake about managing a private company
George LEONARD , M.B.E. in conversation with Hugh Charles-Jones
For more than twenty-five years George Leonard was a Game Warden in Malaya, but his activities were not confined to looking after animals. In World War 2 he trained Chinese guerillas to fight the Japanese and later he found himself training British soldiers to fight against his former proteges.
Produced by DAVID Glencross
Broadcast in November 1963 In the Midland Home Service
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Special Election Survey
In addition to its usual world-wide coverage Ten O'Clock presents an extended Election round-up of actuality of the day's big events. trend analysis, and discussion of the latest issues.
Regional Variations (2)
Gaelic Letter from Australia
by RUPERT Townshend-Rose who says that he started practising law at the age of thirteen
Regional Variations (2)
News. Forecast for Inshore fishermen
Adam Bede by GEORGE ELIOT divided into three parts-the first part consisting of fourteen instalments adapted by P. J. R. Wright read by Gabriel WOOLF
2: Adam's Father
Peter Schidlof (viola)