for farmers
Speaker, C. A. Joyce
The morning magazine
Introduced by Michael de Morgan
followed by an interlude
Bringing the Good News from Jerusalem to Rome
Talks by the Rev. Douglas S. Quy 1: The Comforter
Second edition
Introduced by Michael de Morgan
Recordings from the past and the present PAST HISTORIC
HILAIRE BELLOC once described some imaginary conversations with famous figures in his ' Short Talks with the Dead.' GWYN THOMAS develops this idea and reflects upon the recorded views of PROFESSOR GILBERT MURRAY.
Produced by Denys Gueroult
by Alistair Cooke
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Songs to sing and music to listen to.
Introduced by Kay Foster
Lord of all being (BBC H.B. 11) New Every Morning, page 1 Psalm 3 (Broadcast psalter) Isaiah 55. vv. 1-11
A safe stronghold (BBC H.B. 297)
News Summary at 10.30
Delmondi and his Quartet
by William Appleby
Revision and songs from previous broadcasts
Genevieve and her friend Sylvie, feeling venturesome, are going to spend their holidays cycling and camping in the Camargue, that strange region between the two arms of the Rhone, the haunt of gypsies, flamingos, and wild bulls.
Listeners are also invited to sing ' Chanson des Pyrenees ' with Jan Rosol who accompanies himself on the guitar
Script by Paule-Aline and John Dent
Intermediate French series
BBC Scottish Orchestra Leader, Peter Gibbs
Conducted by Robert Irving
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Gordon Reynolds introduces ten minutes of music for six-year-olds
Herbert Chappell discusses the influence of jazz on other types of composition
Orchestral Concerts series
A Tale for the Fall of the Year by Margaret Stanley-Wrench
The Girl in the Market
Square by MALCOLM HULKE and ERIC PAICE adapted for broadcasting by the authors with Ronald Baddiley and Frank Partington
A dead girl, a hit-and-run driver, and a high-placed official in a small community complicate life for a young man who finds himself caught in a crossfire of opposing loyalties.
Cast in order of speaking:
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company Produced by R. D. SMITH
Recorded broadcast of January 6
Advice and entertainment for retired and older people generally, and a meeting place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
Escape of a Mouse: Lilian Lenton describes an adventure
Please Remember the Ascot Races: Clarence Tritton on exacting dues in the past
A Tiresome Trayful: Frances Gomm describes some literary efforts
Persuasion: Freda Dowie reads an extract from Jane Austen 's book
Introduced by John Dunn
The first and last items are recorded
by Lewis Carroll
Adapted in four parts by Mollie Hardwick
Music specially written by Alan Paul
played by Harold Smart at the organ, Alan Paul at the piano
with Prunella Scales as Alice
Narrated and produced by David Davis
Suggestions for your reading from. ROBERT MACDERMOT , ARTHUR GARRATT FELIX FELTON and an interview with HENRY BRINTON
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A weekly contest between amateur choirs
The last of twelve programmes in the national competition
Introduced by JOHN HOBDAY with a summary of the adjudicators' comments from MAURICE JACOBSON
Guildford Musical Society (Choral) Conductor. John Alklis
Hawarden Singers
Conductor, Emlyn Roberts
Barrhead Philomel Singers Conductor, Mina Forrest
Bedford Singers, Stoke-on-Trent Conductor, May Walley
Produced by John Fawcett Wilson
Final programme to decide the national winners of Let the People Sing 1962: Wed., June 27, at 7.30 p.m.
Howard Marion-Crawford
Francis de Wolff
Anthony Jacobs in Valentinian
(c. 1610) by JOHN FLETCHER adapted by Raymond Raikes
Music by Christopher Whelen Characters in order of speaking:
Two of the Emperor's bawds:
Lucina's waiting-women:
John Mitchinson (tenor)
The Ambrosian Singers
Orchestra conducted by the composer
Production by RAYMOND RAIKES
Recorded broadcast of August 5, 1959, in the Third Programme
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Organ Concerto No. 5, in F major (Handel)
Chamber Orchestra
Directed by Karl Richter (organ)
Balletto in G major. Op. 3 No. 3 (Albinonii
Sinfonia Instrumental Ensemble Directed by Jean Witold on gramophone records