for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Louise Davies gives food news comment, and suggestions
followed by an interlude
The Rev. W. D. Hudson , Ph.D. Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Exeter talks about
Christian Commitment
Regional Variations (6)
Today in the North
Friday Call: magazine
Friday Review
Today: as North
Hook-Up: between Cardifl-Bangor-Swansea
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Louise Davies - gives food news comment, and suggestions
: second hearing of the broadcast at 7.40
Opening Music:
Haydn's Trumpet Concerto in E flat
0 worship the king (S.P. 618; C.H.
9: D.S. 11; P.H. 17, all omitting vv. 3, 5: Tune, Hanover-S.P. 618)
Interlude: Love for God
Prayers; the Prayer for God's Presence; the Lord's Prayer
Happy are they, they that love God
(S.P. 509; C.H. 440; D.S. 70; BBC Supplement 16: Tune, Binchester —S.P. 509)
Closing Music: Bach's Suite: The
Wise Virgins (Sixth Movement)
Repeated next Wednesday at 9.30 a.m. on Network Three wavelengths
Ronald Thomas (violin)
Ernest Lush (piano)
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Stories from Scottish History
by Rachel Percival
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
For six- to eight-year-olds encouraging them to move to music Wednesday's recorded broadcast
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Morning Service
Alleluia! sing to Jesus (BBC H.B.
New Every Morning, page 80 Psalm 11 (Broadcast psalter) St. Matthew 24, vv. 1-14
Holy Spirit, truth divine (BBC H.B.
by Estelle Thompson, abridged by Barbara Henderson, read by Beverley Dunn
Thirteenth of fifteen instalments
Joan Sutherland (soprano) with the chorus and orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden conducted by Francesco Molinari-Pradelli on a gramophone record
Apes and Men
George and Alice see how intelligent a chimpanzee can be, and wonder if man's ancestors were like that
Material compiled by Richard Palmer : dramatic presentation by Honor Wyatt
A talk by Ted Hughes on the problems listeners have found in writing a long story, illustrated by extracts from children's writing
Listening and Writing series
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: This is my Country
An Enquiry into Mental Processes
Four talks by Ian M. L. Hunter , D.phil.
2: The Experimental Study of Thinking
Talks for Sixth Forms series
DENIS ARNOLD spent last winter in Venice, and in this talk he describes the everyday life of the Venetians during the months when the city is free from tourists.
Regional Variations (2)
Farm Forum.
A radio correspondence column
Forecast for land areas, followed by detailed forecast for the South-East region
Gale Pedrick selects highlights from BBC sound and television that listeners may have missed or might like to hear again Introduced by John Ellison Edited by Kenneth Pragnell
Old and New in Modern China
Richard Harris describes a recent visit to the country where he was horn and brought up, and some of the changes that have taken place
A Young Church in Africa
2: An African School
Written and narrated by John V. Taylor
African Secretary of the Church Missionary Society
An anthology programme
Stories and Rhymes series
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Introduced by Ivan Samson
Master of Ceremonies, Charles Crathorn
Produced by Fredric Bayco
The dances: Military Twostep; Waltz' Ideal Schottische; Dream Saunter; Tango Serida; Progressive Barn Dance; Mayfair Quickstep
Tickets for the recording of this programme on Saturday, November 18, may be obtained on application to [address removed], enclosing stamped addressed envelope.
Regional Variations (2)
Midland Poets: recent verse.* Interlude
A weekly exploration of the BBC Sound Archives
When you go to the theatre do you ever give a thought to the actor hoveing behind the curtain waiting for it to rise? What are his thoughts at that moment? In this programme some famous personalities of the theatre give their views on the art of acting, together with some pertinent comments on producers and audiences.
ALEXIS Minotis
Written and introduced by Brian Sanders
Compiled and produced by Ian Cotterell
Ranken Bushby (baritone)
BBC Northern Orchestra
Led by James Davis
Conducted by John Hopkins
Recording of a concert given at one o'clock before an audience in the Town Hall, Manchester, by courtesy of the Manchester Corporation.
A programme for the fives to eights
Alexander Armstrong
A dialogue story written by John D. Stewart The Motorbike Scramble
Introduced by Cicely Mathews
A Victorian mystery in six episodes by AUBREY FEIST
1: Freelance
' I had always felt the urge to write, that strong desire to become a teller of tales, which will not be denied. I wanted to be a freelance, bound to no newspaper or magazine; and now at last I had made a beginning. Only a man who has ink in his blood can understand what that first acceptance means.'
Other parts: members of the cast Produced by DAVID DAVIS
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Stock Market Report
News. Stock Market Report
News: sport
South-Eastern News
6.30 South-Eastern Sport
Weekend review
6.40 Fishing Reel
Bill Latto comments on news and prospects for anglers in south-eastern waters
6.50 Preview
Some of the events in the South-
East during the week ahead
6.57 London Stock Market Report
Regional Variations (3)
Scots Songs: Moira Milne, soprano
Science in Ulster: 2-Aviation and Space Research
played by Kyla Greenbaum (piano)
Regional Variations (3)
How are we doing?: as North
How are we doing?: problems and prospects facing the industrial areas. Jarrow
The People's League for the Defence of Freedom
Edward Martell
Chairman and Founder of the League is questioned by Anthony Howard political correspondent of the New Statesman and Geoffrey Howe
Editor of Crossbow
Regional Variations (2)
The Rise of a City: the story of Belfast from its beginnings, by John Boyd
Written and compiled by LESLIE BAILY
The General Strike; ' The Aspirin Age'; The last of the Empire Theatre; First flight to Australia and back; ' Rose Marie '; ' The Bright Young Things'; England versus Australia; Farewell to Melba.
Sir Alan Cobham , Edith Day
Beverley Nichols
Barbara Back , Wilfred Rhodes
Leslie Baily
The recorded voices of: Lord Reith, Dame Nellie Melba ,
The Rt. Hon. Hugh Gaitskell , m.p.
A. J . Cook
Fred Astaire
and Adele Astaire
Jack Buchanan and Binnie Hale
Stuart Hibberd , John Snagge with Gordoi Davies and David Peel
The pages turned by FREDDY GRISEWOOD
Production by VERNON HARRIS
The recorded broadcast of March 7
Excerpts from the operettas ' Beautiful Galathea ' and ' Boccaccio ' on gramophone records
Some contemporary reflections by Eric Barker illustrated by Kenneth Connor
Deryck Guyler
Pearl Hackney
Denise Bryer and the author
Music under the direction of Peter Akister
Produced by Charles Maxwell
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Regional Variations (2)
News in Gaelic. Interlude
The Wash-Tub by W. Somerset Maugham read by John Glen
followed by an interlude
Regional Variations (2)
News Headlines; prayers
followed by late weather forecast
Patrick Ireland (viola)
Peggy Gray (piano)