for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manto
followed by an interlude
Hope : the Cinderella Virtue
Father Gordon A!bion speaks about Hope as uhe Christian remedy for all our anxieties
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
Regional Variations (2)
Round-up of events
It began at the age of fifteen and at 7s. 6d. a week for
David Scott Blackball
Sonata No. 1 played by Brigid Ranger (violin) and Ian Lake (piano)
The Windmg Road to
Istanbul—and Asia
Christopher Denning continues his account of the long journey by ear to India
Christ, above at) glory seated <BBC
H.B. 121)
New Every Morning, page 99
Psahn 91. vv. 1-11
Acts 20. vv. 1-12
0 God of earth and attar (BBC H.B.
Aiessandro Scartatt ! and Boceherin!
Symphony inCminor played by the PhilharmoniaOrchestrft Conducted by Carlo Maria Giulini on a gramophone record
A weekly series of programmes devised by Roger Snowdon
A portrait in sound of the 'wedding-cake church'
With contributions by:
The Rev. Cyril Armitage
A Doctor
Lord Astor of Hever
Mr. Alfred Banks and the Choir of St. Bride's
Organist and Choirmaster, Gordon Reynolds
Produced by Julian Budden
(Recorded broadcast of Jan. 3, in the BBC's General Overseas Service)
A series of six programmes for the interested layman in which meteorologists discuss the science of the atmosphere with Alastair Dunnett
How useful are traditional sayings and local knowledge as guides to the weather? How accurate can the meteorologist be in making his predictions?
Sir Graham Sutton, F.R.S. Director General of the Meteorological Office
Dr. G.L. Hogben
(The recorded broadcast of April 19, in Network Three)
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket: Somerset v. Yorkshire. Second day. From Taunton
Lancashire v. Middlesex at Old Trafford
Essex v. Warwickshire at Colchester
Second day
Commentary by Robert Hudson from Old Trafford and by Brian Johnston from Colchester
Tessa Robbins (violin)
BBC Welsh Orchestra
Leader. Philip Whiteway
Conductor: Rae Jenkina
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (2)
What's On? Coming events
Regional Variations (5)
The Week Ahead
As North
261 m.) The Week Ahead in the North-East of England
Ar Lin Mam: for the younger listeners'
An English Chronicle by T.H. White read by Carleton Hobbs, arranged for broadcasting in seven episodes by Mollie Greenhalgh Part 2
Last week's reading told of the childhood of tittie Mundy, son of Sir William's groom, on the country estate of Ambledon, and how, after encountering a carriage in the woods, he had been told he had seen Lady Catherine de Bourgh, 'and mind you don't forget her.'
Mtchaet CoHins and his Orchestra with Edward Rubach (piano)
Reginald Leopold and the Patm Court Orchestra
Visiting artist. John Carotan
Regional Variations (4)
Cricket. Somerset o. York-shire. Further commenteu'y
RaCing: The Maze Handicap- From the Maze Racecourse, Co Down
Let us Worship
Lancashire v. Middlesex at Old Trafford
Essex v. Warwickshire at Colchester
Further commentary
Regional Variations (2)
Racing: The Down Royat Handicap. From the Maze Racecourse, Co. Down
Suite. Op. 14
Ostinato (Mikrokosmos, Book 6) played by Nigel Coxe (piano)
Conducted by J. W. Lambert
Book: Watter Alien
Art: Bryan Robertson
Film: Ditys Powell
Theatre; Bamber Gascoigne
JXadto.' Jacques Brunius
Sunday's recorded broadcast
A programme for the fives to eights
Come Along and Join Our Song with Sassie Rees and Maimie Noel Jones
The story: ' SiH-Go-Dwt ' by Linda Thomas Storyteller, Sheila Huw Jones
Introduced by Evelyn Williams
Alec Robertson introduces a programme for young musicians
This month's guests:
From Scotland Ian Wright (xylophone)
Accompanist, Julian Dawson
From Birmingham
The Madrigal Group of King Edward's Five Ways School Birmingham
Conductor, Roy Massey
From London,
Middlesex Schools Symphony Orchestra
Conductor, Roy Stack
Regional Variations (3)
As North
Let's go Diving: talk by Alan Broadhurs
Who was this remarkable man? Where did he live? What was he like? 1. 0. Evans answers these questions in a talk on Jules Verne 's life
A radio adaptation of Juies Verne 's ' Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea * began on Sunday.
Forecast for land areas Mtowed by a detaited forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Sport
News. Stock Market Report
News. Stock Market Report
News. Round-up of events
South-Eastern News
Regional Variations (3)
News in Welsh
Shire Talk: from the East Midlands
Lancashire v. Middlesex at Old Trafford
Essex v. Warwickshire at Colchester
Regional Variations (2)
Golf: from Roya) Birkdate
Comment, controversy and character for listeners in London and the counties of the South-East
Regional Variations (2)
BBC West of England Players; Susan Longneld, soprano
Five programmes of records, illustrating the living tradition of the British batiad
Compiled and introduced by Peter Kennedy
2: Battads of Loving and Leaving
Th: songs range from the Scottish ' Kissin's Nae Sin' to a version of ' The Foggy, Foggy Dew' sung by Thames barge skipper, Bob Roberts. Production by Douglas Cteverdon Repeated on J'MMdO!/ ot 11.0 a.M.
./«!!/ 20:
Regional Variations (2)
Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod: choirs from Corsica. Finland, Germany, and the U.S.A.
Written and narrated by Edgar Lustgarten
In 1934 one of the few people in Austria who stood between the Nazis and their domination of that country was Engetbert Dollfuss, the 'little' Chancellor. If the Nazis could remove him Austria was theirs.
BBC Recording
A programme of opera, operetta, and ballet
BBC Concert Orchestra
Leader, William Armon Conductor, Vilem Tausky
Elizabeth Fretwell (soprano) Alexander Young (tenor)
A programme in which a question of current concern or interest is argued or investigated
Regional Variations (3)
Sing This Song: Gaetic Concert
Piano Recital: lan Lake
A programme of records introduced by Lilian Duff
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Regional Variations (2)
A Londoner Learning Gaelic: talk by Gordon Donald
by Pat Kitto Read by Hugh Dickson
Regional Variations (2)
News Headlines; Prayers
followed by late weather forecast
Wanda Landowska
Chromatic Fantasie and Fugue
Sarabande (Partita No. 1. in B nat) Concerto in the Italian Style (BacM on a gramophone record