A reading taken from
' Return to Belief ' by Yvonne Lubbock
Reader, Adza Vincent
Gordon Heard (flute)
Edward Rubach (piano)
The London Studio Players
Conducted by Leighton Lucas
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
To set you puzzling: Picador gives the results of the Desert Island Competition
What is a secretary worth ?: Audrey Russell makes enquiries Pavlova: recalled by Commander Ibbett
Dreams: a psychiatrist looks at an activity of the unconscious mind
Regional Variations (2)
Service from Earlston Parish Church, Berwickshire
from the Parish Church of St. Mary, Lowgate, Hull conducted by the Rev. E. J. Tinsley, Senior Lecturer of Theology in the University of Hull
Preacher, The Rev. Donald W. Foster
Introit: This is my commandment (Tallis)
The Lord's Prayer
Collect for Purity
Kyrie Eleison (Darke in F)
Epistle: Acts 2, vv. 22-30
Gradual: O King enthroned on high (E.H. 454)
Gospel: St. John 15, vv. 12-16 Nicene Creed (Darke in F)
Offertory Hymn: Come down, O Love Divine (E.H. 152)
Prayer for the Church
Invitation: Confession and Absolution: Comfortable Words
Sursum Corda
Sanctus and Benedictus
Regional Variations (2)
Galw Heibio: records
A weekly review
Introduced by Julian Herbage
Prokofiev's Seventh Symphony by Colin Mason
Musical Profile: Mattiwilda Dobbs by Harold Rosenthal
Beethoven's late Piano Sonatas —2 by Geoffrey Bush
Free Ornamentation in Early Music by Robert Donington
A request programme of gramophone records
Introduced by David Lloyd-Jones
Symphonic Poem: Phaeton (Saint-Saëns)
Colonne Concerts Orchestra
Conducted by Louis Fourestier
A group of Faure songs
Gerard Souzay (baritone) with Dalton Baldwin (piano)
Cello Concerto in E flat, Op. 107 (Shostakovich)
Mstislav Rostropovich (cello) Philadelphia Orchestra
Conducted by Eugene Ormandy
Conducted by J. W. Lambert
Art: J. M. Richards
Film: Dilys Powell
Theatre: Ivor Brown
Radio: Stephen Potter
Book: Margaret Lane
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Listeners questions about the countryside answered by Eric Hobbis
Maxwell Knight Ralph Wightman
Question-Master, Jack Longland Produced by Bill Coysh
Regional Variations (2)
Scottish Bookshelf
Operatic instances of mistaken identity, disguise, double lives
Gramophone records introduced by Colin Gibson
Regional Variations (2)
The Scottish Garden
Fred Loads, Bill Sowerbutts and Alan Gemmell answer questions put by members of the Uford Horticultural Society in Essex
Freddy Grisewood
BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader. Paul Beard
Conductor, Rudolf Schwarz
Part 1
Ernest Lush (piano)
by Joan West
Mrs. West served in a barrage balloon unit during the war. Her nickname was ' Basher.' She recalls a hectic night on duty.
Part 2
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh News Survey
Regional Variations (2)
Fireside Sunday School: the Rev. Donald MacFarlan on people Jesus met
Poetry in. the afternoon chosen and introduced by Leonard Clark
11: Summer is i-cumen in Readers
Dame Edith Sitwell
Mairhi Russell , Leonard Clark
Adapted for radio in twelve episodes by H. Oldfield Box with Barbara Couper
Norman Shelley and Hugh Dickson as Pip
Episode 9
Produced by Robin MIDGLEY
Regional Variations (2)
Young Music Makers
Second of four talks by the Rev. S. M. F. Woodhouse
by Edward Leader
A weekly talk on financial affairs private and public
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
followed by RADIO NEWSREEL
A summary of last week's events
Reginald1 Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
Visiting artist, Joan Butler
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (3)
Service from St. Patrick's Church. Coleraine, Co. Derry; Rev. Canon S. P. Kerr
Service from St. Michael's Parish Church, Buckhaven, Fife: the Rev. Robert Murray
Christians think about their faith and its living expression
In Search of the Truth
Questions' about miracles are asked by Sixth Form scholars of Winchester College and answered by C. A. Coulsun , F.R.S.
Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford The Abbot of Downside
Canon Edward Patey of Coventry Cathedral Canon 1. T. Ramsey
Nolloth Professor of The Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford
Chairman, Alan Gibson
Presented by Colin James
Comments or criticisms from listeners about this programme should be sent to: Alan Gibson , c/o ' Christian Outlook,' BBC, London, W.1. A selection of these letters will be broadcast in ' Christian Outlook ' on June 21 in Network Three.
Regional Variations (2)
Patients' requests played by Dudley Savage, theatre organ
Appeal on behalf of the Army Benevolent Fund by Lieutemant-General Sir Brian Horrocks K.C.B. , K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.
Contributions (preferably by crossed postal order or cheque) will be gratefully acknowledged and. should be addressed to General Horrocks[address removed]
The Army Benevolent Fund, instituted one year before VJ Day, is already established as the mainstay of almost all the Corps and Regimental Associations which are coping with the task of alleviating the distress and hardship of old soldiers and their dependants. Much time has passed since the end of the Second World War, yet the need of the ex-soldier who has fallen on evil times is as acute as ever.
Regional Variations (2)
Y Caethwas: serial by Islwyn Ffowc Elis-2
Midland Region's popular panel, game devised by Tony Shryane and Edward J. Mason
E. Arnot Robertson and Frank Muir challenge
Nancy Spain and Denis Norden
Umpire, Jack Longland
Quartet in D minor (K.421) Mozart Quartet in D minor. Op. 34...Dvorak played by the Smetana String Quartet Jiri Novak (violin)
Lubomir Kostecky (violin) Milan Skampa (viola)
Antonin Kohout (cello)
Recorded at a public concert at Dartington last August
A gallery of portraits in close-up
Tyrone Guthrie in conversation with Larry Morrow
Programme edited by Alan Hancock Produced by Douglas Cleverdon
The recorded broadcast of November 12, 1959 followed by an interlude
I am the Bread of Life
Exodus 16, vv. 2-4, 12-15
Psalm 78, vv. 1-26 (Choral Psalter) St. John 6. vv. 4-14, 26-35, 49-61
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
(BBC H.B. 510)
St. John 6. vv. 54 and 58
followed by late weather forecast
Valerie Tryon plays piano music based on Paganini's violin caprices