for farmers
Regional Variations (2)
Anglers' Corner
conducts the Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Overture: The Magic Flute (Mozart) Three German Dances (K.606)
Ballet Music No. 2: Entr'acte No. 3
(Rosamunde) (Schubert)
Waltz: Tales from the Vienna
Woods (Johann Strauss ) on gramophone records
The Rev. Ian Mactaggart thinks about
' Getting into God's stride'
6: In decision
Regional Variations (2)
Good Morning! records
BBC correspondents throughout the world talk about the news, its background, and the people who make it
Regional Variations (2)
Round-up of events
A weekly programme about work in the world of science
How Foreign Plants are introduced into Britain by J. Edward Lousley
President of the Botanical Society of the British Isles
Seeds and fruits of plants are carried all over the world in wool. Many flowers and grasses now appearing in English fields have come from Australia, South Africa, and other countries. In recent years botanists have made a special study of these plants and Mr. Lousley describes how they are unravelling the fascinating story of the travels of these alien flowers.
Thursday's recorded broadcast in Network Three
Dubois Trio
Noreen Mason (flute)
Marion Attwood (oboe) Joyce Hedges (piano)
Regional Variations (3)
From Today's Papers
Your M.P. at Westminster
PAMELA VANDYKE PRICE describes visits to some of the wine-producing districts in company with the men who buy wine for Britain.
Blessed Jesus, at thy word (BBC
H.B. 257)
New Every Morning, page 102
Canticle 10 (Broadcast psalter) Acts 9, vv. 1-20
Jesu, guide our way (BBC H.B. 144)
Jack Salisbury and his Orchestra
Celebration in London of the official birthday of Her Majesty The Queen
The Queen's Colour of the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards is being trooped
There are eight Guards with a Sovereign's Escort of the Household Cavalry Music played by the Mounted Band of The Life Guards and the Massed Bands, Drums and Pipes of the Brigade of Guards
Scene described-by Robert Hudson from Horse Guards Parade Whitehall
Symphony No. 5 in D
Symphony No. 4 in F played/ by the Zimbler Sinfonietta on a gramophone record
Regional Variations (3)
Grosvenor Hall Military Band. conductor, Alfred G. Burch
The West at Westminster
The magazine programme of the air which invites you to meet some of the stars and personalities who are In Town Today
Introduced by Nan Winton and Antony Bibow Produced by Peter Duncan
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Kenneth Home in a sort of radio show with Kenneth Williams
Hugh Paddick , Betty Marsden
Bill Pertwee , Janet Waters
The Hornets
BBC Variety Orchestra Leader, John Jezard
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Incidental music by Edwin Braden
Script by Eric Merriman
Produced by Jacques Brown
The recorded broadcast of Jan. 11 in the Light Programme
Regional Variations (4)
As North
Personal Choice at Lochgilphead: Kathleen Garscadden
Northern Lawn Tennis Tournamen
Annigoni, in a recorded programme, discusses with Roy Plomley the gramophone records he would choose to have with him if he were condemned to spend the rest of his life on a desert island.
Miss Desmond's Desk
A play for radio by JONATHAN BURKE
Arthur Hadow , a schoolmaster, has a long-standing feud with Miss Desmond, the local librarian ...
Produced by DAVID H. GODFREY
Regional Variations (2)
Pining in the Provinces: an Australian's impressions of the North
From the many broadcasts on BBC sound and television Gale Pfdrick selects highlights to hear again
Introduced by Alexander Moyes
Edited by Richard Burwood
BBC Northern Orchestra Leader, Reginald Stead Conducted by Stanford Robinson and Alexander Tcherepnin
Regional Variations (3)
As North
Lawn Tennis Tournament: further commentary
A programme for children under five with music by Ann Driver
Tim Gudgin introduces today's items which include musical games with Little Jumping Joan
The Telephone Service
Joan Oldfield and Michael Barton are shown behind the scenes of Britain's telephone system. In this programme they report on some of the fascinating equipment in everyday use and take a glimpse into the future by visiting the Post Office Research Station at Dollis Hill in London.
Produced by Michael Barton
Derek Jones visits
Southmead Hospital, Bristol and inyites some of the young patients to choose their favourite records
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Sports Report
News. Sport Spotlight
Sports Results
A report on the Kinnaird Trophy meeting
The tast day of the Daks Professional Tournament at Wentworth
Lawn Tennis
News of the Finals in the Northern championships at Manchester
Continued in next column
Latest scores and a summary of the highlights in today's first-class matches, with a special reference to those of South-Eastern counties
Comment in Sport
Sports personalities ejxprese their views on affairs of the moment
Introduced by Jacob de Vries
Produced by Gerald Sinstadt
Regional Variations (2)
Llofft Stabl : folk music
Michael Clark Hutchison , M.P. gives his impressions of what he heard1 and saw in Parliament
Regional Variations (2)
Wax Fruit: serial story by Guy McCrone: part 8
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Mary Denise (soprano)
Introduced by Ivan Samson Master of Ceremonies, Charles Crathorn
Produced by Fredric Bayco
The dances: Marine Fomwtep; Waltz: Canadian Barn Dance; Dream Saunter; Tango Fascination; Gay Paree
The songs: Love here is my heart; Soldiers in the Park
Tickets for this programme are available on applicarion to [address removed], enclosing stamped addressed envelope.
in which
Cyril Fletcher invites the family to listen to
Con Travers
Andy Cole
Michael Howard
James B. Christie
Julie Dawn
Benny Hill
Country Calendar Percy Edwards
Calypso Time with Cy Grant
Memories in Music with Rawicz and Landaucr
The Adam Singers
Directed by Cliff Adams BBC Variety Orchestra Leader. John Jezard
Conductor. Paul Fenoulhet
Produced by Bill Worsley BBC record ins
Tickets for this series are available on application to Ticket Unit, Broadcasting House, London, W.l.
A Dead Secret by RODNEY ACKLAND adapted by Mollie Greenhalgh with Michael Hordern , Gwen Nelson
Pianist, Josephine Lee
Cornet player, Philip Jones
The action takes place at the Dysons' House in North London between early May and late September 1911.
News of books and their makers in reviews, quotations and interviews
Author Jan Carew talka on a subject chosen by himself
Introduced by Robin Holmes
Regional Variations (2)
Family Prayers
Evening Prayers conducted by the Rev. Vernon Sproxton
followed by late weather forecast
Geoffrey Gilbert (flute)
Clifton Helliwell
(harpsichord and piano)