for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Peter Bryant
followed by an interlude
' The Answer to Loneliness '
Talks by the Bishop of Coventry
Second edition
Introduced by Peter Bryant
followed by an interlude
Village Schoolmasters
From Oliver Goldsmith 's
' Deserted Village'
Portrait of a , Highland Schoolmaster by Elizabeth MacCrae
Imtroduced by Jack Singteton
Let us with a gladsome mind (C.H.
11, omitting vv. 5 and' 6; S.P. 12. D.S. 110. and P.H. S. all omitting vv. 4, 5: Tune, Monkland)
Interludes The story of Zaccheus
Prayers; the Prayer for Pardon; the Lord's Prayer
To mercy, pity. peace, and love
(BBC Supplement 9; S.P. 682: Tune. Epsom)
Interval music
Une passionnante partie de football A programme in simple French In which listeners are invited to take part. Script by Emile Harven
Today Antoine goes with Tante Cecile to a football match between Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Alencon.
High in the heavens, eternal God
(BBC H.B. 9)
New Every Morning, page 54
Psalm 25, vv. 1-1(Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 4, vv. 1-20
Almighty God. thy word iscast
(BBC H.B. 188)
played by Jimmy Leach and his
Organolian Quartet
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I by Rachel Percival
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
A programme encouraging children to move to music
Repeated on Thursday at 9.66 a.m.
4: How old is the Earth?
Script by N. A. Taylor
11.40 RESPONSIBILITY IN INDUSTRY F. V. Pickstock. of the Oxford Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies, talks about acting responsibly in the world of industry
A talk in the series for Sixth Forme ' The Christian Religion and its Philosophy'
BBC Concert Orchestra
Leader, William Armon
Conductor, Vilem Tausky
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A spontaneous discussion by Mary Stocks
The Rt. Hon. Nigel Birch , M.P. j James Callaghan , M.P. Russell Braddon
Travelling Question-Master Freddy Grisewood
Arranged by Michael Bowen
From the Town Hall, Bournemouth Recording of last Friday's broad- cast in the Light Programme followed by an interlude
STORIES AND RHYMES The Fete of St. Monique
The children of a Breton family prepare to celebrate their mother's name-day: a contemporary story by Irene Pearl
2.20 THE PAVILION ON THE LINKS A story by Robert Louis Stevenson adapted for broadcasting by Sam Langdon Part 2
2.45 LOOKING AFTER DOGS; by Stanley Dangerfield
Dramatised as a serial in ten parts by Muriel Levy with Rachel Gurney and Carleton Hobbs
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Sylvia Rowlands (contralto)
Edward Rubach (piano)
London Studio Players
Conducted by Eric Wetherell
A study of life in domestic service by DAVID MORGAN REES
Butlers, footmen, housekeepers, hall-boys, and maids tell the story of their work ' below stairs' in the elegant households of yesterday. Edited by Teleri Bevan
The recorded broadcast of October 28. 1960 in the Welsh Home Service
played by Celia Arieli
A message of comfort and cheer for all ' in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity '
Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by a doctor
Listeners' letters are very welcome as they give real help in planning these talks. Send them to Stuart Hibberd , c/o Silver Lining, Broadcasting House, London, W.I. Listeners will realise that speakers cannot reply personally but win try to deal with their problems in the talks.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Introduced by Archie Camden
BBC Northern Orchestra Leader.Reginald Stead
Conductor, George Hurst
Given before an invited audience in the Town Hall, Manchester
The News
Background to the Newt
People in the News
Overture: Le Devin du Village
Chamber Orchestra
Conducted by Louis de Froment
Symphony in D minor for two flutes, two violins, viola, and double-bass (W. F. Bach) Saar Chamber Orchestra
Conducted by Karl Ristenipart
Symphony in D, Op. 18 No 4
(J. C. Bach)
Saar Chamber Orchestra
Conducted by Karl Ristenpart on a gramophone record